Chapter 3

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Next Day :)

I woke up laying on the bed with Jimin's arms around me. I look up to see that he was already awake looking down at me with his cute eye smile.

Jimin: How'd you sleep kitten?
Y/N: Fine.
Jimin: Just fine kitten? Are you still upset about what happened yesterday?
Y/N: No daddy.
Jimin: Then whats wrong?
Y/N: Maybe she's mean to me because she likes you.

Jimin's POV
I never told Y/N but Katy confessed to me a few weeks ago but I obviously turned her down because I only have eyes for my kitten. She took it better then expected but she still stormed out of the room when I rejected her.

Jimin: Well um kitten. She actually told me she liked me a few weeks ago.
Y/N: Do you like her back?
Jimin: What?! Of course not kitten! I only love you.

I pulled her on me while I was still laying down and she straddled my waist. She looks so cute.

Y/N: Are you sure daddy?

Her little ears fell flat on her head and her tail laid limply on my leg.

Jimin: Do you want me to prove it to you?
Y/N: What do you—

I was cut off by Jimin flipping our positions so now I was laying down and he was hovering over me. He started to kiss my neck then gave my face lots of tiny kisses and saying "I love you" after each peck. He eventually made his way up to my lips and started to make out with me. I kissed back and I felt him smirk against my lips. Our kissing session was cut off by his phone. He ignored it at first but I pulled away and told him to answer it. He huffed out clearly annoyed and answered the phone with a mad tone.

Jimin: What?

Jimin: I'll be there in a bit.

He hung up the phone and looked at me.

Jimin: Get up kitten so we can shower and get ready. I have a meeting and I want you to come with me.
Y/N: But daddy—
Jimin: No buts kitten. If you don't obey daddy you'll be punished.

I pouted and made my way towards the shower. When I finished Jimin entered and told me that my outfit was on the bed.

I dried my hair and curled it and changed

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I dried my hair and curled it and changed. Jimin came out and changed into a white dress shirt and dark blue ripped skinny jeans. He looked at me and smiled then kissed me for a few minutes. We then went to the to kitchen and he made breakfast then we left.

*At Jimin's company*
Jimin's POV
I was meeting up with a company me and my friends hoped to partner with. I couldn't stand the CEO but it's all for business. When we got to the company I got out and opened Y/N's door and took her hand and walked inside. Everyone greeted us as always except Katy. I rolled my eyes at her and walked away with
Y/N to my office. I sat down and pulled her on my lap. She sat on my lap while I typed a few things I needed to complete. She played with the collar of my shirt, her cute tail flicking against my thigh. She was so short and petite compared to me. I liked to make fun of her about it. Then she was leaning against my chest  while playing games on her phone when there was a knock at the door.

There was a knock on the door and 6 guys came in. I Immediately recognized them as Jimin's best friends or how he found call them his brothers. They came towards us, I tried to get off Jimin's lap but he pulled me back down and shook his head no. So I stayed put. When they reached us they did a bro handshake with Jimin and ruffled my hair.

Taehyung: Damn Hyung let poor Y/N breath. *laughs*
Jimin: *laughs* Shes good here. Right kitten?
Y/N: Yes. *smiles*

They talk for minutes until Jungkook reminds Jimin about something.

Jungkook: Jimin Hyung you have to go to meeting with Norman and see if the deal still sounds good .
Jimin: Fuck I hate that guy. Kitten your coming with me.
Y/N: Ok.

After 10 minutes Jimin gets a call from the receptionist telling him that Norman is here and in the conference room. Jimin tells the guys to wait in his office and took my hand. We entered the elevator and Jimin suddenly spinned me around and kissed me passionately. His hands moved to my waist while my hands moved to his neck. We kept kissing until we felt the elevator stopped. I was going to pull away but Jimin pulled me back and kept going. We heard a cough and a ahem from the outside and saw a few of the workers staring at us. I felt embarrassed and hid behind Jimin.

Jimin: What are you look at? Get back to work! I'm not paying you to stand there!

They all hurriedly scurried into their work spaces while me and him went to his conference room. He put his arm around my shoulder and opened the door. When we entered I saw a man perhaps in his early 30's. Jimin sat down. I was about to sit in the chair next to him but he pulled me to sit on his lap. I smiled and nuzzled my head into his neck. He caressed my cat ears.

Norman: I didn't know you had hybrid pet Jimin.
Jimin: She's not my pet. She's my girlfriend.
Norman: Ah really? I'm sorry I didn't know.

Jimin stayed quiet and just glared at him. Whenever I felt him tense up I would just kiss his neck and he would relax. Other then that the meeting went smoothly.

Authors Note
Sorry for any errors.

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