Chapter 1

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Mitch's P.O.V.

The sound of the front door slamming woke me up. That would be Scott. I looked at my phone. 4 am! Not again. He was probably pissed out of his brains again. I heard the creek of my bedroom door opening as Scott stepped in. "Wrong room Scott." I plainly said. He didn't listen. "Mitch?" He slurred. "Yes this is my room." I said standing up to push him out the door and into his own room.

His tall figure hung over me as he stepped closer. "Scott, step back. Personal sp-" He cut me off by slamming his lips into mine. I struggled to get out of his grip. "STOP SCOTT!!!" I shouted as he stepped forward and closer to me again. "You don't know what you're doing. You're drunk. You will regret this in the morning." I said. "Why won't you make out with me, Mitch?" He said. "A, you're drunk and b, you have a boyfriend and c, i don't want to." I stated backing away from him until my back hit the wall.

Suddenly Scott turned and left. I stayed still until I heard his bedroom door closing. Letting the breath I didn't even realize I was holding out, I sat onto my bed and put my head in my hands. At least he wasn't naked this time.

About a week ago he had come into my room completely naked after a night out. He had come onto me trying to take my clothes off too. I told him to piss off and he left in the same manor as he did tonight. I confronted him about that incident the next morning and he said that I must of dreamt it. Yeah, like I'd want a naked Scott Hoying in my bedroom at 4 am. (who wouldn't though)

I suddenly felt tears falling down my face and into my hands. Why did he keep doing this? Every time he'd go out and get drunk and do the same thing. That is if he didn't stay at Alex's.

Alex is Scott's boyfriend. I don't particularly like him. Nope, that's an understatement. I hate him. I don't really have a reason to hate him other than he is my best friends boyfriend. The best friend that I just so happened to be in love with. The best friend that just so happens to come into my room every time he's drunk and asks to make out with me. The best friend that breaks my heart every time he does that because if I kiss back he'll know how completely and utterly in love I am with him. The best friend that the next day makes out with Alex in front of me.

The tears start to fall harder. I don't really know why I'm crying. He would never be mine to have anyway. I curled up into a ball on my bed and cried myself to sleep.

Scott's P.O.V

I woke up early. My head banging. The room spinning. I made it to the toilet just in time. As all of the liquids from last night gushed out of my body. I walked to the kitchen grabbing a glass of water and some Advil. I showered and got dressed but still looked disgusting.

I could so do with some Starbucks. "Mitch?!" I called hoping he had already gone to get it but I was disappointed to hear him call back. "Yes?" "Are you coming to Starbucks with me or are you staying here?" He sighed hoping Mitch would offer to get it for him. "Course I'm coming with you Scotland." He said walking into the kitchen.

"Wow you look rough." He said giggling. "I drank a lot last night." I said. Mitch mumbled something inaudible under his breath walking out the door. I ran after him grabbing my jacket on the way out. Once I caught up with him I said. "What did you say?" "What?" Mitch answered. "What did you say?" I repeated enunciating my words more. "What did I say when?" "Back at the apartment, you said something under your breath and I didn't quite catch it."

Mitch began to speed up walking slightly in front of me. "Mitch!" I said. "It doesn't matter what I said." He called back to me. What the hell. Mitch is always straight with me (ha ha). He'll always tells me to my face everything. He never keeps things from me.

He pushed the door open to Starbucks letting it swing back and not holding it open. "What have I done?" I whisper into his ear when we were in the que. "You did nothing Scott." He hissed at me. "Then why are you so pissy?" He ignored my question ordering our drinks.

He handed me my coffee and turned to walk out the door. "Mitchell!" I shouted to him when we got outside. "Yes dad?" He spat back at me. There was something really wrong. He said dad in a you're-acting-like-my-father-way not an I'm-trying-to-flirt-with-you-way. "Please Mitch, tell me what I did." I pleaded. "Oh since you really want to know you came into my bedroom at 4 am last night after you got back from being with your 'boyfriend'. And in your drunken state demanded to make-out with me! You launched yourself on me, Scott!" He shouted, turning his back on me and marching down the road.

Oh shit! Why the fuck did I do that?! Why did my stupid drunken self decide he wanted some Mitch Grassi for dessert? I have fucked up so much. Oh my god, I'm such an idiot! What possessed me to do that. "Idiot!" I shouted slapping myself in the head. This caused many people to turn and look at me. I need to go after him. I started to run. Why was I such a dick? I could hear my feet hitting the sidewalk as a million thoughts went through my head. I hope I haven't lost a best friend!


hey, my name's Ciara and this is the start of my new fanfic. I hope you guys like it. I mean you don't have to like it but it would be nice if you did. lol

Anyways if you did like vote/comment/share/tell your friends

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