Chapter 10

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Mitch's P.O.V.

I awoke to a loud clattering of metal against the ground and my eyes snapped open. It was pitch black dark. I looked around to find the source of the noise. My eyes fell upon a large figure slamming their hands against the floor.

I stood up cautiously, not knowing how to handle this. "Scott?" I said calmly. His face snapped up to look me in the eyes. There was a look of pure pain on his face. It was quickly replaced by anger.

He jumped up and backed me against the wall, grabbing my arms and pinning me back against it. "Help!" I shouted. "Help! Please, someone help me!"

The sound of running footsteps came closer to me until I saw two nurses come into the room and grab Scott off of me. They pulled as hard as they could. He wouldn't let go, until something snapped inside of him. The anger was now replaced by pain and realization.

"I'm sorry. What am I doing? What's wrong with me?" He said struggling against the nurses grip. They were trying to pin him to the bed now. I could see on Scotts face that this was hurting him. I couldn't let them hurt him. "Please don't hurt him." I pleaded. "Mr Grassi, these are the precautions we have to take. He just attacked you." The nurse explained to me while injecting Scott with something that made him immediately all dopey and limp.

"He's not a monster." I said to her. She looked at me in the eyes deadly serious. "Now I never called him that Mr Grassi. You do realise this isn't something is going to be fixed over night. This is going to take months maybe even years of therapy and tablets to fix. It's not going to be easy and there is going to be moments like this and sometimes there might not be people here to help." I took a breath and thought over everything she said and just when she went to walk out of the room I spoke up. "Scott doesn't need fixing!" I said but she was gone.

I sat back down on the chair next to Scott's bed. He was laying there staring at the ceiling. His body completely limp from whatever they injected him with. A silent tear slipped down his cheek.

I used my thumb to wipe the tear away. "Why can't I control it?" Scott said. I didn't know what to say. "I mean you can control what you say and do when you're angry. I would never mean to hurt you, you know that right?" He turned his head with great difficulty. "Of course Scott. The other day when you were angry and nearly hit me I knew something wasn't right." I said, looking at those beautiful blue eyes.

We sat there and just looked at each other for ages until Scotts eyes began to get heavy. "I like staring at your face." He said sleepily. I blushed. "Why's that then?" I said giggling. "Because you're beautiful." He said smiling. "Aww that's sweet." I said, stroking thumb against the back of his hand.

Scott yawned his mouth opening widly until I could see his tonsels. "Someone's tired." I whispered. "You don't mind if I go to sleep do you? It's just the voices they've stopped for a while and I need to take advantage of it before they come back and drive me half crazy again." He whispered back. "Go on then. Sleep is good." I said, startled at the reality of what Scot had just told me. "Will you sing to me?" He asked. I nodded and began, stroking his face while he closed his eyes and listened.

"A gentle breeze from Hushabye Mountain
Softly blows o'er lullaby bay.
It fills the sails of boats that are waiting--
Waiting to sail your worries away.
It isn't far to Hushabye Mountain
And your boat waits down by the quay.
The winds of night so softly are sighing--
Soon they will fly your troubles to sea.
So close your eyes on Hushabye Mountain.
Wave good-bye to cares of the day.
And watch your boat from Hushabye Mountain
Sail far away from lullaby bay."

The gentle words slipt from my mouth with ease. And when I was finished I bent down and kissed him on the forehead. "Sleep tight Scottland." I whispered against his forehead. I'm sure he sighed. His mouth curling into a small smile as his breathing evened out.

I looked at the window to see the sun just rising. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time. 5 am. I internely groaned. And oh God it's Tuesday tomorrow. I need to tweet to say there won't be a Superfruit video.

I went through my messages.

KirstieKirst - How is he? Text me when you want me to collect you tomorrow.

Esther - Heard about Scott. Hope he's ok.

Bass Kaplen - You alright kid? How's Scott?

I sent them all back "Thank you and yeah he's fine" texts. Then I thought, I could do something with Kirstie.

Hey KK. It's me again. Do you want to film Superfruit with me tomorrow? I'll call you when Scott wakes up in the morning. He just fell asleep again. Had a little bit of an episode earlier but everythings ok. He seemed more like himself when they injected him with whatever they injected him with. I still don't know what they are injecting him with. Remind me to ask. Anyway I'm rambling and it's 5 am and I'm really tired and your probably not even awake so I'm gonna go. BYYYYYYE XX

I sent the message and scrolled through twitter. Nothing was happening so I decided to try and get a couple of hours sleep.


Hey hey!!! Another update. I'm on a role. And it's a school night haha I'm histerical!! Anyways hope you enjoyed. Oh and the song (if you don't know it then you should) is Hushabye Mountain from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! Go and watch that movie if you haven't seen it because you haven't lived until you've watched that movie even though it is terrible!! :-)

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ok I'm gonna go byyyyyyye

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