chapter 2

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Mitch's P.O.V.

I slammed the door behind me and slumped onto the couch. Throwing my empty coffee cup on the floor, I screamed! "Why am I such an idiot? I shouldn't have told. He'll know that I like him now. Why was he such an idiot? Why did he go out and get drunk last night?" he shouted, pacing the living room floor.

He heard the front door open and Scott walk in. "Mitch, I'm sorry. I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing." he apologized but my mind wouldn't take just that it had to hold on and find out what was up. "It's not the first time Scott." "What?" he said. Oh shit! I'd put my foot in it now. He only knew about the naked incident and even that he thought was me dreaming. "You've done it every time you come home drunk." I stated. "Well maybe you should lock your door." he retorted. "What? Scott, this isn't my fault. There's obviously something going on in your head that is telling you to make out with me. Maybe you and Alex aren't as happy as you make out!" I shouted squaring him up even though his tall body towered over me. "Don't you dare bring Alex into this. Just because you can't find anyone to fuck!" he spat back. Those words shot me down. How could he? "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. Scott scurried off to open it. "Hey babe." I heard him say. I stepped into the hall to see Alex standing in the doorway. "Is everything ok? I could hear a lot of shouting." He looked concerned.

I knew he didn't like me. He didn't like the way me and Scott were so close. The way people ship us together. The way we live together. The way Scott doesn't want to tell the fans that he is going out with Alex.

"No, no. Everything's fine. Just Wyatt being annoying." Scott said. He turned his head to me. "Actually..." I started saying. I wanted payback. He basically called me undateable. Scott gave me a pleading look. Did I really want to make him lose his boyfriend. That would just be mean. "Oh nothing. It doesn't matter."

Scott took Alex by the hand and lead him to his room. Firmly closing the door behind him. One could only guess what they were about to do. I rolled my eyes as the tears started to come. Why was he being such a dick lately?

Like a couple of days ago we went round to Kirstie's. He had one drink and suddenly he was full on shouting at Kirstie's boyfriend. Scott was being so protective over her. I mean they've been dating for over a year now and Scott has never said anything bad to him before. He started calling him an asshole and Kirstie an idiot for dating him. She got really mad at Scott and threw him out. I had to go with him obviously. While I was driving he completely ranted about him. I suddenly lost my shit and started shouting back. I mean we never fight and it's started happen a lot lately. Well since he's been dating Alex anyway.

Then the week before that he and Avi got into a big fight. I don't even remember what it was over now. But it ended up with me and him arguing again. He and Avi have made up since but there is still tension there.

I grabbed something to eat and sat in front of the TV watching sponge bob. I turned it up to full volume in an attempt to block out the moans coming from his bedroom. I mean they could have the courtesy to do it when I'm not in.

I gave up on trying to watch tv. Everything was getting too loud. I hated it. I decided to go round Kirstie's and see how she was. I made a huge attempt to slam the door as loud as I could on the way out. I got in my car and turned the radio up. Trying to block out the sexual noises my ears had just witnessed.

I pulled into Kirstie's drive and banged on the door. She opened it and the second I saw her I jumped into her arms. And the tears rolled down my cheeks. "Mitchell! Are you ok?" I shock my head because in fact I wasn't ok. I was a lot less than ok.

Kirstie led me to her couch and sat me down. "Honey what's up?" "It's Sc-Scott." I stuttered. "Nothing's happened to him has it?" "No he's absolutely fine. We've just had a massive fight K. He came into my room last night all pissed and tried to make out with me. I got mad at him this morning and then we started fighting. And now he's busy fucking Alex!" I sobbed. "Oh Honey. It's all right. It'll be all right in the end." She comforted. "No it won't. We never fight. And recently we've been fighting none stop. There's something up with him and I don't know what to do. It's like he's a different person. He's never acted like this, even when we were hormonal teenagers. He was always the one to keep his cool and not ask for a fight. That's all he seems to want to do now. Fight against me.  I feel like I'm losing my best friend!" I cried because the thought of not being friends with Scott was like hell.


So hey, hi, howdy! I hope you enjoyed chapter two. Ideas keep pouring out of me so if it's a bit confusing I'm sorry.

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