Chapter 15

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Mitch's P.O.V.

It had been two months now since Scott had gone into the hospital. A month and a half since I'd seen him. Everyday I would go into the hospital and ask if I could see him. Everyday they'd tell me no. Everyday I would try to break the door to the unit he was in down. Everyday I would be taken out by security. Everyday I would cry my drive home. Every night I would sit by the lake in the park and think of him. Every night I would cry myself to sleep.

Kirstie would call me everyday to see if I was up for going out. Everyday I denied her offers. She would then come over and check on me. She'd usually bring food because I forget to eat. It was nice of her but I never felt like eating.

One day Kirstie walked in when I was sitting on the bathroom floor, a razor in my hand. She shouted at me. Then she consoled me. Then I cried. Then she cried.

I couldn't take this anymore. I had to know what was happening to him. I mean I didn't even have to see him. I just wanted to know how he was.

Whenever someone saw me in the street or in a shop, which was rare because I seldom left the house, they asked me how Scott was. Word had obviously gotten round to everyone. His parents came up once but were denied seeing him so they left and haven't been back since.

I made a few Superfruit videos by myself, but it wasn't the same. It was like asking questions to a brick wall. I never got a laugh or a come back answering a joke or something I said. I never put those videos up on YouTube. It didn't feel right. He should have been sitting next to me.

I usually watched Spongebob to take my mind off of things but I never laughed at the jokes. Nothing seemed to be worth me laughing.

As I sat on the couch, staring at the black screen of the TV, I heard a knock on the door. It was probably Kirstie. I got up and walked to the door. Lifting the latch and opening the door I saw him.

I first saw the blonde hair. Then his blue eyes. His usually broad build was reduced to a small size. He had lost weight. His skin was a pale grey. He was almost unrecognizable. But it was him.

As soon as the cogs turned in my brain I walked forward and pulled him in for a hug. But he tensed. His hands wedged to the side of his body. His face showed no feeling. It was like hugging a robot.

I stepped back and let him walk through the doorway. He walked past me. His back facing me as he walked away, I saw a faint scar underneath his blonde hair. He walked into his bedroom, closing the door behind him. I heard the distinct sound of the bolt on his door being slid across.

What did they do to him in there? They've brain washed him. Or worse.... I picked up my phone and called Kirstie.

Scott's P.O.V.

I sat down on the edge of my bed. Looking around the room I saw nothing had changed. My bed was unmade. My closet open but it was empty. Where were all my clothes? I opened my mouth to call out to Mitch but immediately closed it again.

The voices had stopped now for a couple of weeks. They finally beat the words out of my head. I told the nurses everything that went on in there. Everything I thought about. Everything I dreamt about. Nothing was private. They knew every one of my secrets.

I stared at the mirror across from me. Taking in my appearance. I looked old and grey. My arms resembled twigs.

I averted my eyes to look at the wall above the mirror. I had gotten good at staring at walls. It was a good way to pass time. To take in every crack and bump and hole. To take what shade of colour it was and what colours they must of used to make it.

I was disturbed from my thoughts by a faint knocking on the door. "Scott. Kirstie's here. She brought food. You can have some if you want." Mitch said. His voice was almost inaudible like he was scared he'd say something wrong. But I took in every word. I had been waiting to hear that voice for weeks. The only times I heard it was in my dreams and those noises were more like strangled screams than words.

I stayed where I was on the bed. Food sounded good. And I could smell it from my room but I couldn't go. I couldn't sit with them. They'd ask me questions and I'd have to relive that entire experience again. I couldn't do that.

My stomach growled. I had to eat something. I slowly got up from my bed and walked towards the door. I pulled the bolt across and walked out into the hall. I followed the smell of food until I got into the sitting room.

Family Guy was on the TV. I stopped in the door way to see Kirstie and Mitch look up at me. "Fried chicken?" Kirstie asked holding up a box from KFC. I walked over to the couch and sat on the fare corner. Kirstie handed me the box and I took one piece out.

It was gone so quickly. It was so good. I reached my hand out to go in for another and then stopped, pulling my hand back. I hadn't been offered a second piece.

Kirstie looked at me like I had just slapped her in the face. "You can have another piece Scott." I stared at her before reaching out and grabbing another piece.

Mitch's P.O.V.

Scott slid back into his room after his third piece of chicken. "Oh my God. He looks so sad." Kirstie said. "I know. I don't know what to do Kirst. You have to help me." "Well, it's his first day out so maybe he'll gradually get back to his old self."

I would love to believe her but something told me he would never be the same.


I'm getting good at this update thing haha. Hope you enjoyed.

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