Chapter 24

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Scott's P.O.V.

My eyes flew open and my head snapped up. I flung my arms out to the side. "Just a dream." I whispered breathing in deeply. My heart was pounding and I was out of breath. That's when I realized I was in Mitch's bed again. I looked around but he wasn't there. It's weird because I knew exactly where he was.

I got out of the bed, pulling on a pair of sweat pants and a sweater and walked down the hall tot eh front door. I opened the door and began to walk.

The cold night air hit my face. I felt so care free and innocent. My breathing and heart beat began to regulate and so did my walking pace. I stopped when I got to the park. I knew he was here. I could see him lying on the grass just before the lake. I started to walk towards him. No! He doesn't want to be bothered by me. He obviously wants to be left to his own thoughts. So I walked to around the lake to the other side and sat down where he couldn't see me.

Mitch's P.O.V.

I was staring up at the moon again. I had to let my mind clear and I know I sound like a bad person when I say I left the house because of his screaming but it's so difficult. To hear someone you love in pain and there is nothing you can to help them.

I suddenly saw a shooting star fly across the sky. It flashed, a white tail flying after it. "Make a wish, Mitch." I whispered. I wish- I wish things would be normal again. I know things have started to get back to normal but it is going at a snails pace. It's been three months. I am glad he said about the Superfruit video though. Maybe Scott will start to sing again soon.

Scott's P.O.V.

I sat there in the bushes. I saw the shooting star fly across the sky. I started to think. Why am I so unable to open my mouth and sing? Am I afraid? What's stopping me?

I opened my mouth and began to sing a lullaby. The lullaby that Mitch sung to me when I was in hospital:           "A gentle breeze from Hushabye Mountain
                        Softly blows o'er lullaby bay.
                        It fills the sails of boats that are waiting--
                        Waiting to sail your worries away.
                        It isn't far to Hushabye Mountain
                        And your boat waits down by the quay.
                        The winds of night so softly are sighing--
                        Soon they will fly your troubles to sea.
                        So close your eyes on Hushabye Mountain.
                        Wave good-bye to cares of the day.
                        And watch your boat from Hushabye Mountain
                        Sail far away from lullaby bay."

If he were sitting next to me right now I would sing to him. I would show him that I can fix myself. I don't need to go and see a doctor. And I know he doesn't say it but I can tell. He always has this look of pity around me. Like I'm an injured puppy.

Mitch's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and my head snapped up. I swear I could hear Scott singing. "Stop it, Mitch. It's just the wind." I whispered. But it sounded so real. Like he was on the other side of the lake singing. I looked in the distance. I could just about make out the outline of the trees on the other side. I couldn't see the outline of a body. But it was just like his  voice.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and stuck in my headphones. It sounded so real and started to make me tear up. I put my phone on shuffle and of course it landed on the one song I really didn't want to be listening to right now: Chasing Cars.

I reached out to my phone to skip the song but it was so good. It reminded me of when Scott and I were laying flat on our backs next to each other in the studio. This must of been a year ago now. We were early to rehearsal for once. So early in fact that not even our manager, Jonathon was there. We decided to lie on the floor. Don't ask why. We were both extremely tired. We lay there for a few minutes. That's when I looked across and fell in love. The moment I realized I was in love with my best friend. His beautiful face. His gorgeous eyes. His amazing voice. His personality. His charm. And I knew that I could never be with him because he was my best friend.

But look at me now. A sudden tone of realization dawned on me. I had left Scott. I had left him to fight off the demons by himself. Why had I done that? I quickly stood up and began to run back towards our apartment.

Scott's P.O.V.

Shit! I stood up quickly, seeing Mitch get up and run towards our apartment. I needed to get back home before he did. I ran the length of the lake and started to run the stretch of the road before home.

That's when I saw Mitch in the distance. He turned around and saw me running towards him. Shit! He would know I was watching him.

I stopped in the middle of the road. I was maybe ten meters away from him. He looked at me through the darkness. His expression was confused. "Scott, what are you doing out here?" He asked stepping forward. "I could ask you the same thing." I panted. He giggled. "What?" I said trying to catch my breath. "Were you spying on me, Hoying?" He asked, smiling. "Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't." I said pulling Mitch into my arms.

I suddenly felt his tears seep through my shirt. "What's wrong?" I asked holding him at arms length. "I'm sorry for leaving you." He said. "Don't worry about me." I said. "But I do worry about you, Scott!" "You don't have to though." "I want to."

I looked at him, confused. "Why?" I asked, "Why would you want to worry about me?" Mitch answered with something that I never thought I'd hear him say in that way. "Because I love you, Scott Hoying. I love you more than anything. You are my one and only. If you're not here to be with me than I wouldn't be able to live. I've loved you unconditionally since we were ten but not in this way. My love for you in this way started last year. I fell in love with you, Scott and now I'm truly and deeply stuck in the middle of this whole love thing." I smashed my lips onto his. His face was in my hands. I felt him smile against my lips. I pulled back our foreheads were against each others.

"I love you too." I said reconnecting our lips.


Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I kind of rushed through it because I wanted to get a chapter out before the weekend. I won't be writing anything this weekend because I have to go to London to see some Australians that we met on holidays. I really don't want to go but I would rather be in London than the confides of my bedroom in Ireland. I will update on Monday though.

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