Chapter 14

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Mitch's P.O.V.

My eyes snapped open and I was blinded by the sunlight that shone through the windows. I stood up and looked down at Scott who was still sleeping soundly. Man I had to pee. I bent down and kissed Scott on the forehead, then walked down the hall to the bathroom.

As I washed my hands I thought. I can't believe I actually kissed him last night. After all these years of having a crush on him. And I kissed him and he kissed back.

I sighed as I walked down the hall and turned the corner back onto the ward.

I stopped in my tracks seeing Scott's bed had been moved. Where had they taken him now?

I stepped out into the corner, looking left, then looking right. I caught a glimpse of a nurse pushing a bed round the corner and I ran after her.

I called out telling her to stop. She turned her head looked me dead in the eye and continued walking. She turned another corner. This time I caught a glimpse of Scott's blonde hair. Where was she taking him? Why wouldn't she stop?

Suddenly she pressed a button on the wall, swung a door open and firmly closed it behind her, pushing the bed with her.

I ran into the door. It wouldn't open. I pushed. I pulled. I pressed the button. But nothing seemed to work. I only wanted to know where she was taking him.

I walked back to the ward and grabbed my stuff, pulling my jacket on my back. Nurse Keane was standing by another patients bed examining their papers. I walked over to her. "Excuse me!" I said. "Yes dear. How can I help you?" She said turning around to face me. "Where have they taken Scott?" I asked.

Nurse Keane turned back to the patient. "Mr. Jenkins, I will be back in a minute." She said, turning back to me. "You might want to sit down." She pushed me back over to where Scott's bed used to be. I sat in the place where I had slept last night. I knew she was going to tell me something that was going to upset me, so I braced myself.

"I told you last night he had major head surgery, right?" She asked. I nodded in response. "And I hear Dr. Healy told you about the therapy he would have to have?" I nodded again urging her on. "So this therapy is very intense. And it would be hard if Scott had any type of distraction. Also since we've never dealt with anything like this before, we figured we would need to pay extra attention. Use different techniques. So in favor of all this we have put Scott in a ward where we don't allow visitors. He will get special therapy there. It's for the best." She finished.

My mouth hung open in astonishment. "Any reason why the nurse who swept him away totally ignored me in the hall?" I asked my sight becoming blurry. "We didn't want you to get distressed. We didn't want him to wake. It would've gotten out of hand." She said. "You can't make him go to therapy. You do realize that don't you?" I said a tear slipping down my face. "He wouldn't be safe if we just let him go without teaching him how to deal with what was going on in his head." "You said you made him better. That y'all changed the wiring. That it would be better." "It will be but you need to realize that it won't happen all at once." "Why can't I see him then?" "You're a distraction,Mitch." "He needs me." "He's in perfectly safe hands here." "So you're saying I don't get to see him for what could be weeks and I have no idea what y'all are doing to him in there. You could be doing some science experiment on him for all I know." I shouted anger boiling over. "Mitch I can assure you-" "Don't. I don't want to hear it." I said walking past her and out the door.

Scott's P.O.V.

I woke up in a bright white room. I looked to my left to see Mitch wasn't there. I was in this room by myself. The room was small and had one widow about the size of a shoe box. I lifted my head to be awarded with a sharp stabbing pain. "Ahhhh!" I cried out in pain. The one door in the room swung open and a nurse ran in. "Where the fuck am I?" I said when she just stared at me.

Her response was to look at me blankly. She took the clip board from the end of my bed, wrote something down, put it back in the slot and walked out the door.

This room was like a cell. What had I done? I don't remember doing anything bad last night. The only thing I remember was kissing Mitch. Oh how good that felt. Where was he anyway? Why was I here by myself?

The day past by so slowly, I swear that someone had put a slow mode on time. All I could do was stare at the ceiling or look out the window, even then I could only see the blue sky. I really wanted to go out there. To feel the natural heat on my skin. A nurse would come in every now and then to either change my bandages, give me medicine or give me food. Each one would do the same thing. Not talk to me, do what they had to do, pick up the clipboard, write something, put it back down and then walk out again.

Thank god they started to give me food again. Even though it was only bread and jam to start off with but it was the most amazing thing I had ever eaten. Living off of what they pump through your veins for two weeks is not advised. Eating is so much better.

Another nurse would come in to my room every two hours and take me to the bathroom. I was pushed in a wheelchair out of the room and into another room across the hall, where there was a toilet and a shower. It felt awful to have a nurse stared at you while you try to pee. I mean come on give a man some privacy.

I could tell they were watching me constantly. I don't know how. But every sudden movement or noise I made a nurse would come rushing in to check on me.

In the late afternoon, when the sky turned a beautiful pink, a nurse came in and lifted me from the bed into a wheelchair. 1. I swear I had just been to the toilet like five minutes ago. And 2. How the hell does this woman who is half the size me, take most of my body weight in her hands and lift me into a chair? She must be super woman or something.

She pushed down the hall, passing the door to the bathroom and continuing until we reached a wooden door.

Little did I know but behind this door was my worst enemy. My worst fear. My worst nightmare. Things happened behind that door that I would never be able to tell anyone. The room behind this door would change my life forever!


Hellllooooo! How are all of you guys? I really do hope you enjoyed this chapter and that it isn't to hard to understand. :-) Not that you guys are stupid... I just think I kinda complicated it haha. Anyways

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