Ch. 08

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She barely took two steps before she felt something clamp around her arm. 

In one swift movement, Hamza spun her around and pulled her towards him until their bodies crashed together. Before she could comprehend what was happening, he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, keeping her pressed against his chest.

He's hugging me... she thought faintly.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, his face nestling into the crook of her neck. "It was wrong of me to get upset at you. You did nothing wrong. I was just too used to how things were before." He sighed, his warm breath sending goosebumps down her spine. "I had too many expectations and thought everything would suddenly go back to normal after one day together. Please forgive me."

Laila just stood stiffly, completely baffled. She didn't expect such a sincere apology. She also didn't expect him to smell this damn good. Butterflies erupted in her belly and she surprised herself even more when she lifted her arms and awkwardly placed her palms on his back, feeling the firmness of his muscles beneath the cotton fabric.

"It's okay." She squeezed her eyes shut. "I shouldn't have yelled at you either. I'm really tired to be honest. I don't know what to think anymore..." She swallowed the tears that threatened to spill. She hated crying. "I'm so afraid I'm not going to remember. And live with that huge gap."

Releasing her from his embrace, Hamza leaned back so he could look her in the eye. "Don't say that." He firmly said. "Have faith in Allah... You will get your memory back and everything will be okay. I promise."

She looked down, her face reddening. "Insha'Allah."

Hamza placed his finger under her chin and lifted her face up until their gazes met. "And no matter what happens, I will never leave you. So, always smile from now on." He paused thoughtfully. "Actually, not outside anymore, since guys can see it and I'd prefer not to beat up strangers."

Surprised, Laila coughed out a laugh. "Are you serious?"

Nodding, he said in a low voice, "I'm a pretty possessive guy. And you're still mine Laila, whether you remember or not."

Laila's breath caught in her throat, her heart skipping a beat. She'd be lying if she didn't admit that she loved his jealous reaction. It made her feel... special. Protected.

"It's just a smile, you weirdo," she rolled her eyes, trying to keep up the careless façade yet unable to contain her grin. "So, what are you going to do? Lock me up?"

Hamza pretended to look thoughtful as he rubbed his chin. "If that's what it takes..."

"You're crazy!" Laila laughed, playfully punching his arm before realizing she just touched him. Dropping her arm back by her side, she blushed profusely. She was hugging him moments before!

"Aww look, you're blushing." Hamza grinned. "My good looks must've finally gotten to you."

"Conceited, I see." Laila shook her head. "Remind me again why I agreed to marry you?"

"Because you said, and I quote, I'm 'so amazing and perfect and every girl's dream come true'," He squeaked out the last part in a high-pitched tone.

Laila gasped. "I'm pretty sure I didn't say that. And I most certainly do not sound like that."

Hamza leaned back casually against their table, putting more distance between them. Laila was surprised at how dismayed that made her feel. "Maybe you didn't say it out loud, but you thought it."

"Oh sure, and how would you know?" Laila raised an eyebrow daringly. When did she get so confident? She didn't know, or cared at that moment. This was what she wanted; just to have a good time with him.

"I know a lot of things about you." Hamza's voice dropped into a husky whisper as he pushed himself off the table and stalked towards her once again. Laila's eyes widened and she slowly began backing away. "We lived together. Shared everything." He continued advancing towards her until he had her cornered. With the hint of a smirk tugging his lips, he pressed his palms against the wall on either side of her face and leaned in even closer. 

He couldn't help himself. He wanted to tease her. It had been a while since he got these reactions from Laila. "I know you inside out."

Laila simply stared up at him like a deer caught in headlights. Her lips were parted, and she wore a dazed expression. Hamza listened as her breathing grew heavier, amusement evident in his eyes. "But do you know, out of all the things I know about you, which one is my favorite?"

It was as if she hadn't heard a word. Laila was too busy calculating the distance between their bodies, or lack thereof in this situation, to form a coherent sentence. Hamza tried his best to conceal the laughter that was bubbling inside of him. This was all too funny. He let one finger trail down her arm and back up. 

"Do you, Laila?"

She shook her head faintly in a distracted response. 

"Well, it'd have to be... your tickle spot!" In a flash, he dug his fingers into her waist and wiggled them around. Laila immediately began squealing and squirming against him.

"STOP, HAMZA! PLEASE!" She cried out in between uncontrollable fits of laughter, desperately trying to shove him away. But she was no match for Hamza. She briefly noted how his biceps flexed as he held her back and was relieved that she had chosen such an attractive husband.

He probably looks amazing shirtless... she thought before mentally slapping herself. She was about to die from lack of oxygen and she was thinking about his body?

Hamza finally took mercy on his wife and stepped back, doubling over in laughter at the aftermath. "Your... face... is... so red..."

Whilst trying to recover from her near-death experience and maintain her pride, Laila tried but failed to glare at him. She was still overcome with giggles. 

Goodness, she thought incredulously. If I was in a fight with someone, all they'd have to do is tickle me to win.

"That wasn't a fair fight," Leila crossed her arms over her chest. She was still panting, heavily. "You just took advantage of my weakness."

Hamza paid her no heed. "I... should've gotten... that... on camera... You sounded like... a hyena."

Leila stomped her foot to get his attention. "Alright, stop! It isn't that funny!"

"You looked... like you... were... going to... explode..." He paused to take a breath. "I think... you farted."

"Oh my god, SHUT UP!"

Finally, Hamza stopped laughing. He grinned toothily at Leila who was quite literally breathing fire. Reaching out, he pinched her cheek. "Fine. I'll stop making fun of you if you do me the honor of staying and having dinner." He paused for a moment. "And you can order whatever you feel comfortable with."

The remainder of the evening went by perfectly considering how terrible the first half was. They ate, and Leila laughed at every cheesy joke Hamza came up with. After devouring their favorite cheesecake for desert, they profusely thanked Farid and left the restaurant.

In the car, Leila glanced at the time. "No way!" She gasped, surprised. "It's already past Maghreb!"

Hamza too bore a shocked expression. "I completely lost track of time. Let's go to the Masjid and pray there, then I'll take you home."

At the masjid, there weren't many people. The congregation had finished about 20 minutes ago, so Leila prayed alone in the women's section. After she finished, she raised her hands and made a quick du'aa.

Please Allah, she begged sincerely. Help me regain my memory. 

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A/N: Please vote! ❤ 

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