A Letter

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Dear reader, 

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for honoring me with your time, your emotions, and most importantly, your support. I never imagined I would one day be putting my work out there for people to read, all across the globe. But your positive responses encouraged me. Thank you all for being the wind beneath my wings. (On a scale of 1-10, how cheesy was that?)

You know, as weird as it sounds, I never thought I'd ever finish a story. I was the type to get too excited about an idea, I'd pause the one before it to focus and give my undivided attention. And it quickly piled up until I had about 10 different books, each one uncompleted. Part of the reason was because I was too busy living out different daydreams, anxious to put the scenes I played out a million times in my head onto paper and into words. Another part was I was afraid of hating the story as it developed because I'd be focusing on filling every loophole and henceforth neglect the story-line and it's characters. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, if you haven't caught on already. 

That brings me to my point... If this story felt at all rushed or too short, I wholeheartedly apologize. I initially intended to draw it out way more, but I was selfish in my desire to achieve my dream of writing a full story. I hope you can understand. As it is my first book, I'm sure it has a ton of weak points, mistakes, and areas that were slacking. I'm far from being a good writer, much less a professional one. But I'm sure with more experience and time, I'll get there. And my words will, hopefully, touch the hearts of many people. 

I did plan another story or two following this one, if it ever becomes successful. So, we'll have to wait and see :) A hint: It'll be a completely different plot but with characters you are already slightly familiar with. Feel free to comment guesses and/or suggestions! 

Finally, I'd like to once again thank my sister for putting up with me these past couple of weeks. She may be a dork and a weirdo, but I love her nonetheless. Thank you, Haajar, for always being there to hype me up when I had 0 faith in myself. 

I'd love for you to share this story with your friends/family! And if you haven't already, please leave a vote for each chapter. I wish I could hug every single one of you, even the silent ghost readers ❤ You all mean so much to me. 

With love,


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