Ch. 01

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"You see, Hamza, if you just let me go, we can easily solve this ridiculous problem..."

He chuckled, shaking his head and tightening his grip around her waist. "No way. I'm afraid if I let you anywhere near the kitchen, our house would be in danger again."

"Alright, you've GOT to drop it! That was in the morning." She snapped, but her anger only fueled Hamza's amusement. "Just because I forgot the stove on while making YOUR stupid eggs ONE TIME doesn't mean I'm a hazard to the kitchen."

"Sweetie, you didn't even crack the eggs before putting them on the pan." He buried his face into her hair, inhaling deeply. God, he loved her smell.  

"You can't blame me; I just forgot... Pretty Little Liars was on." She said defensively after a moment's hesitation, as if that alone would solve everything. "They were just about to figure out who A was for, like, the hundredth time."

Hamza snorted, butting his head against hers. "You're such a kid sometimes."

"And you're annoying, always." She tried to sound mad, but the smile was easily detected in her voice. Also, by the way she casually leaned back into his embrace, it was obvious she wasn't upset.

Like any other couple, they had their fair share of arguments, but it happened only rarely. Their days usually revolved around playful teasing. It was ordinarily Hamza pulling his wife's strings, only succumbing when she would sneakily find a way to turn the tables against him. 

Take this moment, for instance.

He felt her sigh, a bit too dramatic to be realistic, and his guard went up, full of suspicion. "Well, I guess we won't be having any dinner tonight, seeing as you don't even know how to make scrambled eggs. Which, may I add, put us in this difficult position in the first place. So, unless you want me- us  -to starve..."

Hamza immediately saw where she was going with that. "Please, no."

" must take me to Al-Ameer to eat." She finished hauntingly. Placing her hands on his arms, Laila spun around so Hamza could clearly see the devilish smirk on her face, and she, the hesitant regret. "What's wrong, sweetie?" She put extra emphasis on the condescending term of endearment, pinching his cheek. "Let's not put our house in danger tonight. Scratch that, let's stay on the safe side and go to Al-Ameer every night!"

"But you always pick the most expensive thing on the menu." Hamza complained, pouting childishly. "You know what? I think your mistake was understandable. I mean, come on. Pretty Little Liars deserves your undivided attention and my stupid eggs didn't have any right to distract you from that movie."

"Pretty Little Liars isn't a movie, it's a show." Laila deadpanned. "Seriously, do you live under a rock?"

Coughing, Hamza used his hand to discreetly cover his guilty smile. "Yeah, I meant that."

"So, I'll just go get dressed!" Laila gave him an extra enthusiastic grin and pumped her arms, knowing she was beginning to get to him and loving every second of it. 

As she stalked off towards their bedroom, Hamza ran after her. "Laila! I said its ok; I forgive you! You're free to go to the kitchen and cook dinner."

Laila spun around, gasping. "Really Hamza, you disappoint me. Does the safety of our house mean so little to you?"

"If we go to Al-Ameer every day, my budget won't allow us to have a house."

Laila laughed, finally taking pity on her husband. She slipped her hands in his and gave a little squeeze. "Fine. Once again, I'll be the adult here."

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