Ch. 21

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Relief flooded through her veins. The tears started to burn her eyes once again, threatening to spill. "Abdullah?" She asked, her voice a hoarse whisper.

"Hey. What's going on?" He sounded alert.

"C-c-can you pick m-me up?" She stammered. Her breathing picked up again, emotions boiling inside of her. "Please. I'll t-text you the a-a-address."

Thankfully, Abdullah didn't ask any questions. He was already driving when she called and demanded she remain on the line with him until he arrived. Laila obliged, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths. Less than 10 minutes later, he told her to come out.

She hung up the phone and scrambled to her feet, barely grabbing her bag before zooming out the room. She raced down the stairs, not looking anywhere but ahead. There was a crowd of people lounging around, more than she remembered being there when she first arrived.

"Laila?" She heard someone call her name, but ignored them, zeroing in on the front door. She kicked it open and rushed out into the night air. The motion-censored lights flickered to life and she saw a car parked in front of the gate. She couldn't have run there faster. Fumbling with the password, she impatiently waited as the gate slid open. 

A man jumped out of the car. He was wearing a baseball cap and scruffy jeans. He rushed to Laila and she flinched back instinctively. 

"No! Laila, it's me. Abdullah." He held his hands up. "It's me. You're alright."


Laila spun around to see Zahra standing a few feet behind her. She was accompanied by Ashleigh and Farrah who all bore confused expressions. "What's going on?"

In a few steps, Abdullah was standing protectively in front of Laila, blocking her from their view. "I should be asking that question. What the hell happened here?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Zahra fired back, her tone rising. "Laila was with me. I was looking for her. She disappeared for, like, the past hour."

Abdullah looked back at Laila who was now illuminated by the headlights of his car. He noticed the way her makeup was smeared, and how one button was torn from her blouse. He looked down to see her hands shaking viciously. Realization dawned over him. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together.

He looked back up and met Laila's gaze, the question burning in his eyes. She shook her head. "Nothing happened. I promise. Let's just go." She didn't care about anything at that moment. She just wanted to be away. Away from that place and those people. 

"Okay. You can wait for me in the car." Abdullah spun back around to address the girls when he noticed two male figures approaching. He instinctively felt his hands clench into fists as they came closer. Behind him, he heard the car door close.

"Who're you?" One of them spoke up. "You're trespassing. This is private property."

"He just came to take Laila, Luke. Calm down." The girl in hijab snapped.

The man, Luke, laughed in response. "No shit. So, she really is married." He looked directly into Abdullah's eyes as he wiped his mouth. A smear of red stained his white sleeve.

That was all the encouragement Abdullah needed.

He lunged at the man, ramming his fist into his face. The girls screamed as Abdullah punched Luke again, sending him toppling to the ground. The second man shoved Abdullah away, holding him back from going in for thirds. 

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