Ch. 30

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The photo dropped from Laila's hand, dancing with the wind's tune. It landed softly on the ground, face-up, the raindrops decorating the couple's faces. She spun around and began to run as fast as her legs would carry her. She could feel her knees shaking, at the brink of toppling over. Her heart was beating wildly against her ribcage as if it trying to break free, and rush to it's second half. He was here. He was truly here.

She was terrified, but didn't stop running. Why was he here? What was she going to do? Did he hate her? Did she have a chance? Despite the fear, she couldn't help but feel hopeful.

By the time she returned to her house, she was soaking wet and completely out of breath. Against the rain, she could just make out of headlights backing out of the driveway. As she got closer, she recognized his car. He was already leaving.

Not on her watch.

She ran to the middle of the road where his car was facing and stood there, arms spread out wide. She was panting heavily, dripping wet, but didn't care. His headlights blinded her momentarily before her sight adjusted to it. She was able to see through the windshield. It was him.

She couldn't help it. Her face broke into a smile and she immediately started to cry. But for once, they were happy tears. Her chest was heaving, and the salty tears filled her mouth. She stared him down, willing him to come out of the car so she could run to him. And hug him. And never let go. 

He didn't. He started to drive around her, but she moved again, blocking him with her body.

She wasn't going to let him get away. She wasn't going to lose him. Not again.

He honked, blaring his horn at her for several seconds, but she only shook her head in response. Finally, he threw his arms up and opened his car door, jumping out.

"Get out of my way!" He shouted, just as a strike of lightening flashed above him.

Laila lowered her arms and started to walk towards him, unable to tear her eyes away. His hair was longer than she remembered, clinging to his face in wet strands. His blue shirt was almost transparent against his chest that was so clearly heaving. "No." She responded simply, coming to a stop in front of him.

She could hear his breath, coming out in angry huffs. "What do you want, Laila?"

She reached out and touched his cheek. "You."

Hamza froze, his eyes searching hers in surprise. Then he blinked and refocused, pushing her hand away. "You already had me. Don't you remember? Or did you forget that too?"

"I remember." Laila held back her wince at his harsh tone. "I'm sorry, Hamza. That was a mistake. I was going through a tough time and-"

"I just came over to give your parents the divorce papers. It didn't feel right for it to just show up in their mailbox and surprise them. It's there with them, so just go ahead and sign it then mail it back," Hamza turned and started to open his car door.

"No!" Laila shouted, grabbing at his arm in an attempt to stop him. He shook her off again. "Stop, please, Hamza. Just listen to me." The rain was so heavy, it was impossible to differentiate between the droplets and her tears. But she was still crying as hard as before, and it leaked into her voice. "Please, Hamza. I'm sorry."

"I can't do this anymore, Laila." He closed his eyes. He couldn't bear to look at her. "I've lost you so many times. And it took a toll on me. I can't- I can't handle losing you again because you can't make up your mind."

"But I have!" She insisted. Why couldn't he see that?

"Then you would've called."

"What?" Laila asked, confused.

Hamza opened his eyes but didn't look in her direction. He reached for the car door again. "That's what I thought. Like you said, we gave it a go. Had some good times. Now it's time for both of us to move on."

His indifference stabbed at Laila. She didn't stop him when he opened his car door. "You have to give me another chance, Hamza." Defeat was starting to nip at her heart, but she stubbornly shook it away. 

He snapped. Slamming the car door shut, he grabbed both her arms and shook her. "Why should I?" He shouted. "Why should I continuously be the one giving chances, being patient, and waiting around until you leave? You want me to go through all that again, until you get cold feet and I go back to an empty house?"

She stared up at him, holding his gaze. "It'll be different this time."

"How? Tell me, how will it be different?"

"Because this time I promise I'll crack the eggs before putting them on the frying pan." Laila's voice was breaking, but she forced herself to continue in between each sob. "I promise we'll have as many kids as you want. Even 10. I don't care, because as long as I'm with you, I'm happy." She watched his eyes widen in disbelief. 

"I promise I'll give you more attention than Tabby, and if she ever gets lost again, we'll go out looking for her together. Together, because we're a team. And you're a part of me. I don't want to live another day without you, Hamza." She reached out and cupped his face, her fingers stroking his wet cheeks. "I love you. I loved you even when I didn't know you. I love you so much, it hurts. So please, give me another chance, Hamza. Don't leave me."

Hamza didn't push her hands away this time. He was too busy staring at her in shock. "You... you remember everything?"

She nodded, smiling through the tears. "Yes, my angel. Yes, I do. And I'm so sorry."

She was worried he would turn away again and go into his car. She was about to say something else, anything else to hold him there, when he suddenly pulled her in, squeezing her against his chest as he hugged her. She cried out in delight, immediately wrapping her arms around his waist. He had his face buried in the crook of her neck, his shoulders heaving ever so slightly. They held onto each other for a while, their heartbeats racing at the same pace. 

"I'm the one who's sorry. You don't have to apologize for anything." He pulled away moments later to cup her face, fiercely looking into her eyes. "Not a damn thing. You hear me?"

She simply nodded, too overjoyed to answer. 

He leant in and kissed her, right there in the middle of the road, beneath the heavy downpour. She melted into the embrace, tasting the rain and tears, relishing into the way his soft lips felt so right against hers. Exactly where they belonged. 

He pulled away again, his hands still cupping her cheeks. "Are you sure, Laila? This is what you want? Because, I swear, I'm never letting go of you again."

Again, she nodded, her lips inching into a smile.

He grinned back. Finally. "Good. I love you so much, Laila Hamed."

"I love you so much, Hamza Jabar." She responded, leaning up on her tiptoes to press her lips against his, fervently inhaling his taste, his feel, and all that he was. Perfect.

And suddenly, it was all worth it.


A/N: Yaaaaayyy! We all stan a happy ending. Swipe for the epilogue, and after it, a little letter from myself to you. ❤

And as always... VOTE!

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