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Ariell Declan Doherty.

I smiled widely as that named played like a beautiful harmony inside my head. The girl who stood in the mirror staring right at me looked as happy as the morning sunlight, afterall its a new day and a new start of a new life with my beloved husband to be, or it will fit more if I say with the love of my life, or soulmate.

I couldn't wait, or even stop the butterflies going wild inside my belly just like the one I had when we went out on our first date in the senior year of highschool. Every little memory of that day is still engraved in my mind, fully detailed. How could I forget the day I finally agreed to go out with him after he tried to persue me almost for a month and he made it the best first date ever for a dork like me?

And now, today I'm getting married with the same guy, Declan Doherty.

"Ari, how long will be standing here?", my elder sister Isabella pondered near the door with her arms crossed.

"As long as it takes to convince myself that it's not a dream, I'm finally going to be his wife like for real. Could you believe that Bell, because I cannot."

"Ofcourse, I can believe, he loves you and we all knew you both are made for each other like soulmates", she smiled sadly. "And I envy you."

Yes she was right, he was my soulmate, my other and better half.

"Why? Isn't your Greek God like husband enough for you?", I asked playfully. Not some months ago, my sister married the heartthrobing Michael Morgan, the leading businessman and the ceo of the Morgan Enterprise.

"A business deal and a love marrige are two worlds apart. You're lucky, you got the latter."

I immediately pulled her in for a hug without a word. I remember how grievance  took over her when dad suddenly came home one day and announced her marriage in the Morgan family which was only to save our company from going bankrupt. Its wasn't an actual marriage that every girl dreams growing up but merging between two companies and my sister's fatal fate. I couldn't imagine how she must have felt to be married to a person she didn't even know, or didn't want to be with. What can be worse than that life?

"Whatever my life be, I could care less but I wish you have the best life with Declan.."

Just then my phone buzzed on the dresser table and it was him.

"Talking about the boyfriend. Seems like he is going to live longer", Bell teased knowing who called from the way I smiled, because only he could make me feel that way. Only one phone call and I'd be jumping around like a 13 year old girl talking with her crush.

"Don't take long, I will convince mom and dad for another 10 mins and you better come down before that", she closed the door behind. And I picked up the phone.

"Ginger", there goes my heart and skipped a beat from the way he called my nickname that only he was allowed to call, which was also given by him due my extremely red hair, in highschool and then even in college no one dared to call me that, especially any male species because he'd punch their noses until they bleed if they ever did. 

"Lan, you're not suppose to call me", I said trying to sound angry, when in reality I was more than just happy to hear his voice.

"I miss you Ginger, like hell. Can I see you before the ceremony starts?"

"No! Are you crazy? My parents are already going ballastic on me for being in the dressing room for so long. I need to go now", I tried to convince him.

He sighed in the phone and I could imagine him running his hand through his unruly blonde hair.

"I cannot wait to see you in your wedding dress, and later without." I blushed, even though he can't see me. I was nervous and excited at the same thinking about our first night together. "Ginger?"

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