Chapter Six: The Playboy Plays Piano. (Senior Year)

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Soundtrack: Little Bit Of You ~ Kevin Garett.


That's it, I thought as I flipped the last lock of my red mess behind my shoulder and stood up with the finished essay in my hand. I rolled my eyes at May, trying to copy from Dora. I submitted the sheet on the front desk and walked out, directing towards my locker to grab the things I need for practice.

"Austin, dude I'd tap that ass if I was in your place", Jared poke fun at the computer geek, "'Cause hell that ass looks fine to me", he said rubbing his chin, while Austin's girlfriend Charlotte fumed. His not-so-cool-but-thinks-they-are-cool friends laughed, like some bunch of losers. That's when I noticed, Dïcklan sitting on the floor with knees out and back resting on the locker, still dressed in his basketball jersey. I stopped, looking for a way to pass them, without the jerk noticing me.

"Fück off, losers", she shouted pulling Austin with her.

"Losers, but definitely better than your geeky chicky", Jared shot back.

Dïcklan slapped Jared's butt. "They are dating for long, dude give up", he shook his head at his bestfriend.

New gossip: Jared Fresco likes Charlotte McCartney, the so-called "Queen" of Royal Prestigious High and no, she is not the typical bitch in highschool with zero IQ, instead she always rank second, who has been dating Austin Hamilton from middle school if I remember correctly.

"That's büllshit! I have a better dïck", he whined back.

Disgusting pigs.

When I saw a group of students walking down the same way, I stepped in between and tried to blend with them to go unnotice. How smart, right?

Finally, I reached my locker. I was having a good day, so far.

"That was pretty awesome, I almost didn't see your red hair in the crowd", said the voice dripping with sarcasm, the voice I was trying not to come across all day. What a waste of strategy to walk in group.

Mission fail. I repeat mission fail.

I sighed. "Aren't you tired?"

"Aren't you tired?", he repeated after me. Such a pain in the ass, I swear. I was really tired, but I won't give in and since, we are both so stubborn, I don't know for how long I will have to keep running away from him.

I ignored him but he still didn't leave, and it's hard to concentrate when he was watching me like some creep would do. When I turned to leave first, he followed behind just like he has been doing for the past three weeks.

"Ginger, what are you doing tonight?"

Here comes the question I have to dodge every fücking day.

"Probably not going out with you", I answer. And never will.

"The more you try to resist me, the more I want you. Damn! I'm loving this chase", he admitted. I stared at him, incredulously without blinking.

"All these are just game to you, ain't it?", I asked. The little bit of hope I kind of had on him was crushed into pieces, I don't even know why.

"Why? Are you hurt?", he smirked.

"Hurt by you?", I scoffed, "You have very high expectations, I see."

He smiled in return like nothing can hurt his tough skin. "No wonder, you've got my attention Ginger."

I stared at him for some good seconds, he didn't look away either. Where does this guy bring so much of confidence from? I huffed, at last.

"Why me?", I asked desperately. "You can have any girl you want."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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