"Okay I need three large meat lovers pizza with two boxes of garlic knots and two 2-litter Pepsi... Yes okay thank you. I ordered the pizza!"
"Thanks Ale." I as I run down the stairs.
"Careful hun, you don't want to break an ankle before the wedding." Tay says as she raises an eyebrow. I roll your eyes but slow into a walk anyway.
"When's the pizza getting here?" I ask.
"In about half an hour or so." Ale responds. My phone vibrates in my pocket I look to see who was texting me and I smile to myself and looked at my ring.Douglas: Hey Mrs. Ryan to be.
Me: Hi sweetie. How's your bachelor party?
Douglas: Pretty sober. And your bachelorette?
Me: Sane. Well sane to a point. Miss you♥️
Douglas: Miss you more.♥️♥️"Y/n, you know outside contact is forbidden." Anna says with a smile.
"What about the pizza man?" Jada challenges
"Unless she plans on marrying the pizza man, she's fine."
"You should marry him. That means we get free pizza." Ale says excitedly. These are the friends I have. Lord have mercy.14 hours and 5 pounds later I wake up remembering it was Douglas's birthday. I quickly put on the clothes closest to me, grabbed my keys and my phone and run to my car. On my way to his house I get a text from Matthew, Doug's friend.
Matthew: Hey what's up
Me: Nothing much you
Matthew: Same. Hey could you avoid Doug's house.
Me: Why??
Matthew: Just don't.I don't reply. What does he mean don't go to his house. As I pull up to his house I notice a second car. Who is that.
I use a spare key to unlock the door and walk in. As I walk to the kitchen I notice two wine glasses and an empty bottle of wine. What. I hear noises, voices coming from his bedroom. Not again. Please God, not again. I slowly walk to the door, praying that there is another explanation.
"Wow." I hear him say.
"Just for you birthday boy." I know exactly who that is. "Amazingly your girlfriend had no idea." She says girlfriend as a vegetarian would say "beef".
I had enough of this crap. I barge into the room full force Doug pulls back while she struggles too cover herself.
"Baby, hear us out."
"Why would I listen to you." I say. Three years of my time. Wasted.
"Look, can we talk in private." He looked embarrassed. Or annoyed. I don't care which one he is.
"No. Obviously you don't care about me, so why should I care about you." I snap back.
"Okay fine, I was... drunk. And I knew the girls wouldn't let me see you so I called someone else." I could see her smirking from behind him.
"You said you'd change. You promised! You promised." Now I'm crying.
"Well what did you want me to do. I couldn't have come to you. Even if I could."
"So that's what this is about. Just because I want to save myself that automatically means you can cheat!"
"No! Of course not. It's just that I went a whole 3 years without sex it's hard. Especially when your fiance won't sleep with you!"
"I wanted to get married right. I wanted you to be my first and my last." At this I look him dead in the eye and say, "I was planning on giving you a gift. But seems she got to you first." Amanda, while starting me down, flips her hair.
"Best be going, Virgin Mary." She snickers. I town for the door and as I do I hear Douglas say, "I'm sorry, Sunshine." The nickname he gave me on our first date. I hate that name now.
"Don't ever call me that again. Two weeks. You only had to wait two weeks." And with that, I was done.

Nothing Gold Can Stay
RomanceLonged for him, got him, oops. Your heart got broken in two. Can Jonah change your perspective?