I sat at my kitchen table thinking about Jonah. What is actually wrong with me? I cover my face with my hands. I just let a random dude in my life and showed him my whole ship-wreck self. In a weird way I was happy. I felt my mouth tilting up as I thought of Jonah. His defined jawline and perfect smile. His toned muscles and built abs. I walked over to the couch where we were yesterday and a whiff of Jonah floated into my nose. I started smiling like an idiot but I didn't care. Suddenly my phone rang snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Hey Christina! What's up?"
"Y/N! Hey I wanted to know what you were doing today."
"I have a meeting..."
I look over at the clock on the microwave. "...which I'll be late for if I don't leave in the next ten minutes." I jog up the stairs skipping two at a time. "Why? What did you need?"
"Oh I wanted to go out to lunch today I don't know if you're free..."
"I'm free after 12. So like... 3 hours? I don't know how you feel about that though" I throw on a shirt and shorts and brush my hair out. "Yeah that works."
"Ok cool! I'll see you around 1" I hang up with a bye and rush down the stairs only to realize my keys were on my night stand. I run back up stairs to grab my keys off the stand and hear something else fall on the floor. I turn around to see a bracelet that I've never seen before. What the? I pick it up and examine the blue and white beads. There was a charm in the shape of a heart with a name engraved on it.
The name made me smile but the thought of the bracelet and who could've given it to him hurt. My phone buzzes and I take a look.Crazy Ass Bitch 💕: I know you're running late. HURRY THE FUCK UP!!! You know Dad's not patient
Hunter's crazy. I sprint out of the house slipping the bracelet on my wrist and practically jump into my car then drive five miles over the limit to Starbucks. I walk in and scan the place until I find Hunter's curls poking out of a booth in the back. I speed walk my way there. "Hey guys I'm so sorry I'm late" I give Mom and Dad hugs. I look over at Hunter and one of his eyebrows is up not, clearly not amused. I stick my tongue out at him. "Wow Y/N. Wow. Very mature." I slide into the empty seat next to him and my dad starts talking. "Ok. This is a really big deal. You both know that." My mom looks between me and Hunter as we nod. "Your mom and I have been preparing you for this since day one. You know that too."
"This is not only our business but it was your grandmas an-" Hunter interrupts, "Dad we know the story."
Mom shoots a look at Hunter but before she can say anything, Dad holds his hand up. "No it's ok. He's right I'm just freaking out. I know how my dad felt now." He let's a distressed laugh then it's quiet. He looks between me and Hunter. "We love you guys so much and we know you'll take care of the place but-"
Hunter interrupts again, "Dad, we got it. Besides it's mostly gonna be Y/N you know I can't with Jason. y/n is more responsible than me anyways. You can trust her. You know that and it's not like she has anything better to do anyways."
"HEY!" I elbow Hunter in the arm. "You punch like Jason and he's four."
"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you'd gotten enough oxygen at birth?" I retort. Mom cuts us off "The least you could do in this situation is be mature." Me and Hunter exchange a look and Dad sighs. He pulls out the paper work that hands FashionDome over to Hunter and I. FashionDome was a business my great-grandma started when she was 14. Our family was financially struggling and my great-grandma, Lizzie was really good at sewing. In the days, rich people would spend preposterous amounts of money on clothes so my grandma started her own small business at the market and showing off her skills and long story short...we're livin' in the Hills baby! Dad sighs with a weak smile. "I'm trusting you with everything." He looks between us and Mom puts her hand on his. "We're trusting you." He said as if he forgot Mom was there. Me and Hunter nod. Hunter holds my hand and we look at each other. Ever since we were little when we were excited about anything we wold hold each other's hand. Mom and Dad look at each other and smile. Dad slides the paper to us and we sign the paper. "And it's done!" We all let out sighs and happy laughter. Hunter and I hug, Mom and Dad kiss. "All right! Now it's off to Italy for us!" We laugh again. "Can you guys make it to Bavel tonight around 7?" I nod. "Jason's babysitter has to go home you know." Said Hunter
"Then bring Jason." Mom shrugged. "Who ever said to leave your son?" And with that we parted. I went home to shower then having another hour I took a nap.

Nothing Gold Can Stay
RomanceLonged for him, got him, oops. Your heart got broken in two. Can Jonah change your perspective?