"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Jonah! Happy birthday to you!" We sang to Jonah, ate some cake and played in the pool some more. It was a blast to hang out with Jack and his friends. I later met Christina, Corbyn's girlfriend, and we became great friends. We even listened to some of their songs. They sing like angels.
When it was time to leave we all hugged and exchanged numbers. Anna and I get into the car and she talks about how cute the boys were and how I thought Jonah is attractive; and he is. he had a great body and a beautiful face, but his personality was the sexiest thing about him.
"What ya doing tomorrow?" Anna asks breaking my train of thought.
"Work." I sigh.
When we get to her house we say our goodbyes and I drive off. I get to my house and unlock the door, and when I do, I see the one piece of Douglas I haven't taken care of. The ring. Tears flood down my face and a sob escapes my throat. I quickly unlock the door, run inside, slam the door, and fall on the couch. Finally after four days I have a good wallow. I later fall asleep on my bed; not exactly sure if I remember walking upstairs.
I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I groan all the way to the bathroom. I take a shower and put on clothes for work.
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I hop in my car and drive to the mall. I go to Victoria Secret and start the workday. The day starts pretty slow; teenagers and college students are all we see. Something about the lustful Angels draws them in somehow. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and check to see who it is.
Jonah: Hey
Me: Hey what's up?
Jonah: Nothing much
Jonah: Look up
I look up and I see his grinning face.
"Jonah what are you doing here?" I run up to him in a hug.
"I was at the mall and then I saw you. You work here?" he says, looking at the models on the walls. "Where's your picture?"
"Haha, funny." I say rolling my eyes. "I don't think I would look as good as those models."
"I think you would look as good as those models," he says looking in my eyes. "In fact, I think you would look better than them." He reaches for my left hand, and then, he hits it. he looks down and sees the ring. Disappointment and embarrassment flush his face, and he immediately drops my hand.
"Wow," Jonah thrusts his hands in his hair. "I openly flirt with someone who's already engaged. I am so sorry. I'm gonna go now." He starts to walk away but I stop him. "I'm not engaged. Well not any more. We called it off. But I'm flattered that you think that." I say with a smile. He smiles shyly. "So is there anything you need?" I asked. "Yeah," his full smile returns. "I was interested in buying a brazier." He says in a basic voice. I raise an eyebrow. "You want a bra?" "Like yass. I want a frilly red one." He puts a hand on his hips. "Ok then. Follow me." I move to the back of the store where we keep laundre. "Hey can you take my measurements?" His voice breaks when he says this sentence. "Sure."I grab the measuring tape and I unroll it. "You're gonna have to take your shirt off." I say. He obeys and throws his shirt on one of the chairs. His body is beautiful. I take the measurements and I find a bra for him. He takes it into the fitting room and tries it on. "Help," Is the only thing I hear in there I walk in to find Jonah tangled up. "What happened in here." I say suppressing a giggle. "I forgot," he says in his normal voice, "That I know nothing about putting on a bra." This time I do laugh. He's not so bad. "For real though, I want to take you out. On a date." He says. I inhale and exhale. He seems like a good guy; but so did Douglas. "I don't know. I mean I would love to but I don't know if I can." He eyes me, "What if we just hang out. You, me, Netflix, and pizza. Nothing fancy. In fact we can wear greasy sweats." His voice fills with hope. How could I say no? "Alright, my house Friday at 7." "Perfect." I walk out the fitting room and hand Jonah his shirt. I continue to work while he sits in one of the chairs on his phone, occasionally looking up at me. He stays for about an hour and then says goodbye and leaves. I can't wait for Friday.