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They showed me my room after I said my age. I know they don't like me but I literally love them. 

I sat in my room listening to them laughing downstairs. I took out my phone and my headphones and plugged them into my phone. 

I laid down on my bed and listened to music until my phone started ringing. I looked at it and saw Junghyun calling.

I answered happily.

JK= Jungkook JH= Junghyun

JK: Hyungie why are you calling

JH: To see how my baby brothers doing with his new bandmates

JK: I'm doing good, I think it'll take a while for them to accept me into the group though

JH: Well Jungkook just remember to be yourself and they'll love you

JK: I hope so

JH: Jungkookie don't think down about it

JK: I know it's not good for me

JH: Do you take your meds when you're supposed to

JK: Yes

The call went on for almost half an hour when Hyungie had to go. When the call ended I just laid on my bed.

 Not wanting to be lazy I packed clothes for after a quick practice and walked out of my room. I walked into the living room and walked out the door. I started walking to the company not wanting to call a company car. 

I got to the company and walked to the BTS practice room. I connected my phone to the speakers and put my playlist on shuffle. the first song to come on was Monster by EXO. Then, Fire by BTS. I practiced for 2 hours. 

When I was done I packed my bag and walked out of BigHit Entertainment. I walked home. When I got there no one was in the living room. 

I then heard laughing coming from the dining room. They must be having dinner. I walked to my room and laid on my bed. I soon fell into a deep sleep full of dreams about my parent's death. They died in a car accident. 

I was in the backseat when it happened. A drunk driver hit us on the way to pick up Grandma's birthday cake. 

I remember my parent's lifeless bodies in the front seat while I cried my heart out for them to wake up. When the paramedics came and took me to the hospital along with my parents they told me they'd died. 

All I had left of that day were memories and a scare. I was left with two deep cuts from the glass of the windows and bruises. Junghyun hyung had been at a friends house when it happened. 


Hope you enjoyed this really short chapter. Sorry for not updating. 

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