dont stop

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“Come on man, loosen upppp,” Calum whined, pulling on my arms as he swayed to the beat bouncing off the club walls. We’d only been here for about an hour and he was already fairly tipsy, which didn’t surprise me. Calum loved a good party.

“I’m fine,” I shouted over the music, trying to pry his arm off me. He was about to say something back when someone caught his interest, letting go of my arm completely to go chat up the lucky lady. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of the beer I’d been nursing. Typically, I would be right by his side, having just as much fun. However I just wasn’t feeling it tonight.

“Go have some fun, man,” Ashton suggested from his spot next to me. I shrugged, “It’s kinda boring me tonight, honestly.” Ashton just nodded lazily before stumbling back to the dance floor. I wasn't even supossed to be here. I was only 17, but somehow the other boys managed to sneak me into to this upscale club. We've been out partying almost everyday this week and it was becoming a routine and almost boring. Same old club, same old songs, same old beer, same old trashy girls who would hook up with anything that breathed. I seriously needed a change of scenery.

I continued to glance around the room, taking sips of my beer every now and then. I was considering just ditching the boys and catching a cab back to the hotel when a girl caught my eye.

She wasn’t very tall at all, however she was absolutely stunning so it didn’t matter. Her hair was a shade of pink I’d never seen before but suited her quite nicely. I smiled, biting my lip. Michael, who had stumbled over to me, followed my gaze with a smirk on his face. “Go talk to her, mate,” he urged, nudging me along. Deciding it was better than grumpily standing there, I walked over to her, a timid smile on my face. "Hi," I breathed out once I'd made it to a spot next to her. She glanced at me, smirking slightly. "Hi yourself. Do you need something?"

I felt the corners of my mouth tug upward at this comment. She was definitely sassy. "Wanna dance?" I asked, stepping closer to guarantee she could hear me over the music. "I'd rather not," she chuckled, shaking her head. I pouted, moving to stand in front of her. "But I'm such a good dancer!" I began swaying to the beat goofily. She let out a laugh--one I thought resembled a bell--and gave me an unimpressed glance. "That didn't look like dancing to me." "Well why don't you show me how it's done." I smirked. She raised her eyebrows, before shrugging and swaying her hips to the beat of the blaring music.

I was mesmerized. "Dang girl, don't stop." I complimented. She giggled and continued her movements. Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought she could move, because almost every guy was staring at her. Of course I wasn't the only one who wanted to take her home. I sighed before glancing back at the beautiful pink haired girl. When she stopped dancing she glanced at me before she began to walk away.

"Hey I was loving that little show, don't just walk away." I called after her. She continued walking, ignoring my protests. "Can I at least have your name or number?" I asked, desperately. "Sorry I don't have a phone." She replied over her shoulder smugly. "What about your name...?" The girl smiled slightly before answering, "None of your business."

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously what's your name?" She sighed and began to speak. "Okay here's the deal, I'll give you one hour and if I think you're worthy, I'll tell you my name." "It's a deal!" I confirmed without hesitation. Something about her intrigued me.

Grabbing onto her hands, I pulled her into me and began dancing. "So what brings you here?" I asked as we danced against each other. She stopped her movements and looked at me like I was the stupidest person on earth. "You really not good with this whole flirting thing are you?" She laughed. I was happy that the lights were turned down low, considering my face turned the color of a firetruck. "Just wait and see baby." I said, attempting to redeem myself. The girl raised her eyebrows and continued to dance.

Within the rest of the hour I managed to accidentally spill a drink on her, step on her feet multiple times, and continue to fail at flirting. The pink haired girl stopped her ever so hot dance moves and turned to me. "Hours up." She announced. "Yep," I replied awkwardly, holding my lip ring in between my teeth.

She began to walk away and I sighed, knowing I blew my one shot I had with her. Suddenly, the nameless girl spun around. "Well are you coming?" She questioned. "Where to?" I asked lamely. "My place," she replied like it was the most obvious thing ever. "Why? I was a complete loser tonight. I can't dance and I'm really bad at flirting. You'd be better off with any other guy." "While all of that is completely true, you're kind of adorable. So are you coming or not?" My mouth fell slightly. She began walking away again and I ran to catch up with her. She turned and smiled lightly at me as we began to walk out of the bar together. "Hey, you still never told me your name. What is it?" I said, remembering our little deal.

"Trouble," she replied with a smirk.


first chapter down whoo

okay so you'll find out who the girl is in the next chapter, but she already knows who she is so we're sorry if we didn't pick you)):

there is a bright side, though! we have more up and coming fanfics and if we need any characters, we're going to look through the comments on here to pick, so theres the chance you could be in one of those (:

also, we know she doesn't call herself trouble in dont stop and the chapters may overlap a little, but we have really cool ideas for this and we hope you like it (:

peace chicken grease nipples

lots of dat love,

                                -meg and jess

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2014 ⏰

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