Chapter 1

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«You stay here!» He said and pushed me into a room.

The strength of his push was harsh enough to make my trip and fall down on the cold floor, I knew by looking up at his eyes that he was mad. His eyes were so cold, but endearing at the same time it made me stop and stare at him for a second. I looked fast away and winched by the pain in my ankle, I couldn't see if it was swollen, because of the dirt all over my skin and clothes. However, I could feel the throbbing from the ankle, and it was making me dizzy.

«How dare you to walk out?» He sneered and grabbed the door handle hard, he turned around to look at my fragile body on the floor.

I didn't want to look at his face, mostly because I didn't want him to see how weak I actually was. I could handle pain, most times. However, it has been a lot of pain this past hour for me to handle on my own.

«Don't think one second that I will spare your life next time.» He warned me.

"Why did you spare it all?" I asked him in a whisper. He was a murderous person, why didn't he let me die in that hole? It would've been so much easier for him if I just did it myself, wouldn't it?

"I won't let you kill yourself, cause that's my job." He snapped and looked down at me. I frowned and looked up at him, he seemed really serious. He kept his eye contact and kept his steady ground while staring down at me. "So, you're not dying on my watch." He told me seriously.

I closed my eyes and decided it was best for me to not answer, if I didn't talk to him at all during his angry moments I would perhaps survive this if he saw how strong I actually was. I didn't want him to think that I gave up that easily, because I didn't. I would find my brother because I won't let some disgusting men take him away from me and my family.

The truth was actually that my brother wasn't my parents' son. My mother discovered she had cancer in her uterus. I remembered all the months she walked around having horrible pain in her stomach, and she didn't think twice about going to the doctors. Mostly because she hated going there, so she rather not.

After a couple of months, my dad made her go to the doctors and the doctors discovered a cancer virus on her uterus. So she had to go through surgery and remove it. So now she couldn't get pregnant, so my mum and dad decided to adopt a child.

I didn't want him to think I wouldn't be there for him, because he was my brother by heart. I always loved him even though he was very annoying at times, but I probably was the same at his age. I remember my mum used to tell me I used to run away from home, just to go to my neighbor and steal her pink cookies. I actually remember it too, even if it was many years ago.

I slowly stood up when he shut the door hard, making the walls of the house shake by his force. I groaned in pain and grabbed my ankle to try and ease the pain, but to no luck. I clenched my teeth together and straightened up and slowly limped my way to the closed door. I leaned up against it and took deep breaths, those few steps tiring me out. I wondered what somebody like him would want me for?

If he needed me to wash his house, clothes or massage his feet I would probably kill myself. I hated cleaning, but if that would give me my freedom someday I would go for it. I just hated the thought of staying here with this murderer and watching him come home with blood on his hands every day. I didn't know for sure if that was to happen, but I hoped it did not.

«What do you want from me?» I yelled and banged the door with my small little hands. I waited for his answer, but it was quiet. He left me up here in the silent alone. 

The dark crept in and filled shadows around in the room, and it frightened me. Mostly because none of the lamps in this room probably worked and it was an old house. I didn't know this place either, which would soon make me crawl in a corner, rocking back and forth. It always happened when I didn't have light during the night, I was so scared of the dark if I had to be alone. If someone was with me, I could manage, but alone it has never happened since I was nine or so. The fear started when some of my old classmates locked me inside a garbage can in school, they didn't open it up until the day after and I was horrified for days. Imagine a nine-year-old locked in a dark place alone during the night. Even remember all the noises I heard during that night. It was slowly oozing the way back to me now, because of the dark.

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