Chapter 4

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After Lucifer made my bed he left me alone with my thoughts. I wasn't really a believer myself, but I just told him what I learned at school. My parents couldn't afford a private school, so I had to go to a cheaper official Christian one. Some friends of my mum worked there as a teacher, so she helped me Get in. However, my beliefs were never there, but I never told anyone.

I never had a reason to hate those people or talk down on the bible. I knew my parents wanted me to have an education, so I went along with it. However, I always zoned out when we had those classes, it never interested me in any way. So the whole knowledge thing about god, it's far back in my mind to even remember. However, the picture on the wall was interesting. I never remembered them teaching us about an angel falling, perhaps they didn't see that story as important?

I slowly limped my way over to my bed and sat down. I looked down at my hands and looked at my small fingers, it reminded me of Sam. He was so small, probably scared by those people. I hoped he was okay, that no one hurt him. I took a deep breath and laid back in the bed, my eyes set on the ceiling. I just wanted to relax, but my nerves wouldn't let me. I was shaking, and my head was pounding.

"Relax," I whispered to myself.

"You will find him, Del. He isn't that far away," I reassured myself.

I sighed and looked up at the roof, my eyelids closing slowly. I guess it was okay to sleep, it has been a long day. However, the feeling of that creature was chilling me to my bones. It's tentacles, it just made me so cold. I remember it, it was scary. I wonder what the hell was down below this house. I wonder what Lucifer did down there, he was fine, or at least he seemed fine. Perhaps, he seemed stressed about something when he was going down the stairs.

"Just sleep." My mind whispered to me. I nodded my head, not doing anything else. However, something made me feel uneasy.


"Wake up!" Lucifer said as he opened the door.

I groaned and looked up at him, he was hovering over my bed.

"Why didn't you clean your wound?" He questioned me. I groaned in response, my back turning to him.

"Seriously?" He mumbled.

Suddenly the covers flew off of me, and the mattress went flying to the floor with me on top of it.

«Get up, I said. It's a lovely day." He stated. I looked up at him with wide eyes, why the hell did he do that?

«Get the hell up.» He said.

He then snickered and shook his head, I watched him with amusement. He then threw some clothes my way and waved with his hand.

«Take a shower and put those on.» He said and walked out.

I sighed and looked up at the roof. I wonder if that creature was still there, or was that a dream maybe? It felt unreal. However, it felt so real too. I grimaced and sat up in the squeaky bed, the feathers feelable underneath the mattress. I stood up and looked at the clothes he threw my way. It was a short and a tank top, along with sports bra and some grandma panties. Well to go, Lucifer...

«Thanks, grandpa,» I yelled with an eye roll.

I walked out of the room, my foot is still hurting like earlier. However, I limped my way out in the hall. I stopped when I realized I didn't know where the bathroom was. So I just stood there, my eyes on doors down the halls.

«Which door?» I asked myself and walked down the hall to the first door. I looked around me for Lucifer, but he wasn't here.

I slowly pushed down the door handle and tried to open the door, but it was locked. I shrugged and walked down to the next door and opened the door. I was met with a bareback, and a dark room. I stood there stoned by the muscles of his back, and I tried hard to not make a sound. However, I let go of the door handle, so it made a sound. Lucifer turned on his heel and watched me with wide eyes. He grabbed a t-shirt and walked over to me fast.

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