Chapter 6

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I stood behind the door and looked at Lucifer as he held the dagger, making it a lot visible to the man on the other side of the door.

«Father sent me.» The man said, he sounded calm and soft. «I'm here to bring the girl home.» I widened my eyes, a savior? I started to push my way past Lucifer, but he held on to my upper arm and kept me in place.

«Home? You're here to bring me-» I stopped mid-sentence when I saw the man, the beauty of him, the calm aura that surrounded him. I felt at home immediately. "Home," I whispered at last. My eyes traveled to his huge white wings behind him.

"He's not taking you home," Lucifer told me and looked at Uriel.

"I am," Uriel told me and smiled weakly. "I'm taking you somewhere you belong." He added and looked at Lucifer. He stared at him and straightened up his back and looked at me with a weak smile.

"She doesn't belong with you." Lucifer snapped. "Piss off!" Suddenly the door slammed in Uriel's face and I watched Lucifer with wide eyes.

"He was a-"

"Angel, I know. Fucking amazing right?" He said sarcastically. I watched him roll his eyes as he dragged me towards the living room.

"He will probably break down the barrier I made around the house soon enough, he already broke down the first. So c'mon!" He snapped and dragged me with him towards the clock. He opened the glass in front of the clock and pushed the clockwise so it said at 9 o'clock. Suddenly the shelf opened like yesterday and he pulled me with him.

I started to pull back, but the grip he had on me was so strong it pained me to try and get out of it. "Stop hurting me." I snapped. He ignored me as he pulled me with him down the stairs, it all went dark as we walked a lot of steps down. Suddenly he opened a door and we walked down a huge hall.

Lights turned on the same places we walked and books upon books were visible in shelves down the hall. Along with old-looking objects.

"Where are we?"

"My library." He said carelessly. I frowned and pulled harshly back and stepped back when he turned around.

«Don't turn your back on me now, we need to get the hell away!» Lucifer snapped.

«Why can't I go with him? He was going to take me home. Something you won't do.» I said lowly and he sighed and looked at me. His eyes softening as he looked at me.

«You just need to trust me on this.» He told me. I stepped back again and scoffed. Trust him? He took me away from my family, and put my brother in this situation where he probably doesn't remember who he is.

«Trust you?»

«Yes!!» He stated rather obviously.

«Are you crazy?»

«Well, yes a little.» He said and chuckled. «I am the devil after all, now c'mon before my brother show up inside the house. Trust me, you don't want that.» He stated and stepped towards me and grabbed my hand again. He then dragged me down the long hall. I looked around briefly at the books and tried to take in whatever I could.

«They're diaries from all my years on earth. They say a lot of things people don't know. The objects are magical, or useful in demonic or angelic rituals.» He told me as we walked. «Also very dangerous in human hands.» He said and looked behind him to look at me. «Actually...» He started and stopped.

«What?» I asked him when he stared at me.

«Wait a minute.» He said and suddenly he was gone. I looked around me rather amused by this. There it was again, he just disappeared. I looked around me, and suddenly he was in front of me again. Holding something in his hand. «Hold this.» He said and handed it over.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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