Chapter 3: Yuri's Home

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When we arrive at Yuri's house, it starts to rain.

"Ugh... I have to walk in this downpour." You say with irritation. 

"You can c-come in.." Yuri stutters.

"Oh... thanks." You say.

Yuri's house is a very nice place, it's clean and tidy.

"I don't have a lot of boys outfits... but I think I have some t-shirts," Yuri says.

"Okay, but where do you want me to put my wet clothes?" You ask.

"In the laundry room, it's down the hallway on the right," Yuri says.

I head to the laundry room and put my clothes on top of the dryer, when I come out, Yuri already has some tea and cookies ready.

"I'm gonna go change, help yourself to some tea and cookies," Yuri says.

"Alright," I say while taking a sip of the green tea.

As I'm stuffing my mouth with the chocolate chip cookies, Yuri comes back downstairs.

"Yuri, what are you wearing?" I ask in disbelief.

It's a gray sweater with a hole at the top, it shows a lot of cleavage. 

"It's the sweater I usually wear when I'm home, if you don't like it, I can change..." Yuri says.

"No, I like it," I say.

Yuri smiles and sits down on the couch. She takes a sip of the tea and eats a cookie.

"I'll start the dryer," Yuri says.

She walks into the laundry room and puts my clothes in the dryer.

"Wow, it's still raining," I say while looking out the window.

"W-w-well.. you can always sleep over," Yuri says quietly.

"I don't want to be a problem... especially since I'm messy and your house is really well-kept." You say.

"It's fine, I don't mind," Yuri says.

Yuri finds a blanket and a pillow and lays it down on the couch.

"You'll sleep on the couch, okay?" Yuri says.

"No problem." You say.

You decide to watch some TV and eat more cookies.

"Don't get a stomach ache," Yuri warns.

"Fine..." I say disappointed as I put the last cookie down.

"It's starting to get pretty late, I'm going to go to bed," Yuri says while yawning.

"Alright, I should probably get some sleep too." You say while turning off the TV.

"Goodnight," Yuri says softly.

"Goodnight..." You say.

Yuri turns off the lights and goes to her room. As you try to get some sleep, you notice how cold it is downstairs. You find another cover to put over you, but you are still freezing. You tiptoe up the stairs and figure out how warm and cozy it is up there, but there is no guest room.

"Maybe I can sneak into Yuri's room..?" You think.

"No, that would be weird..."  You think.

You head back downstairs and try to get warmer, but nothing is working. You finally decide to slide into Yuri's bed for a minute then go back downstairs. As your tiptoeing back up the stairs you make a loud creaking sound. Luckily, Yuri doesn't wake up.

You sneak into Yuri's room and slide under her covers. It's like your in an incubator, it's so warm. You forget all about heading back downstairs and fall fast asleep.

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