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This chappy is long. I wrote this one long since i forgot to update yesterday. I hope you like it💜

Jimin could hear Jungkooks giggle from the other side of his door. His hands were sweating as he tried to build up his courage to go talk to the boy. There was nothing left to distract him, he had taken a bath, fixed his hair, picked out an outfit for everyday of the week, cleaned his room, hell he even cleaned his bathroom.

"If i do this, everything will be fixed." Jimin whispered to himself. He was pacing around his room, reciting the apology speech he had created.

Taking in a deep breath, Jimin opened up his door and stepped out, faking confidence, he walked into the living room where the two boys were cuddling on the couch. They were facing each other, Jungkooks head on Taehyungs chest. His cheeks were beet red as Taehyung whispered who knows what into his ear.

Jungkook had on an oversized shirt that most likely belonged to Taehyung along with a pair of sweatpants that also belonged to Tae. His hair was damp from the shower he probably took not long ago.

Jimin felt uncomfortable as he watched the two. They were caught up in their own world, paying no attention to the person behind them. However, things must be done, Jimin has to get his relationship back, and he needs Jungkook to do that.

Jimin cleared his throat, effectively popping the bubble the younger two had made. Taehyung looked up first, his grip tightened on the youngest, forcing him not to turn around.

"What do you want." Taehyungs voice was deep and cold. Jungkook shivered, he was honestly starting to believe he had a voice kink when it came to Taehyung, not that he'd ever admit it.

"I-I need to talk to Kookie." Jimin cursed himself for the stutter.

"Don't call him that." Taehyung growled out, Jungkook just about melted right then and there. "Why do you need to talk to him."

Jimin was stumped, he didn't think it'd be this hard to get to Jungkook. What was he supposed to say 'I want to apologize so that my life can go back to normal'? Taehyung definitely wouldn't let him talk.

"I want to apologize...for...what i said." It was a bit choppy but Jimin was hoping that the pauses would make them pity him a bit.

Jungkook looked up at Taehyung, they locked eyes. Jimin watched as the two had a silent conversation, awed at how well they knew each other.

Taehyung reluctantly un tightened his grip, allowing the little bunny to wiggle his way out of his hold. Jimin led Jungkook back to his room a small smile on his face, he was almost to his goal.

The walk to the room was silent. When they reached his door Jimin pushed it opened and allowed Jungkook in, closing the door behind himself. Jimin took a deep breath before he started.

"Jungkook, im sorry for hurting your feelings and saying all those rude things it was me—" Jungkook cut him off.

"Really, Jimin. You pulled me from having a good time, for a fake apology?"

"I- What do you mean?"

"I've known you long enough to know when you're faking and when you're serious."

"Well maybe you haven't known me as long as you think cause im not faking. Im sincerely apologizing, please let me finish."

Jungkook deadpanned. Did Jimin really think reciting an apology letter or whatever he wrote was really going to fix their relationship?

"—so please accept my apology." Jimin finished up his unheard apology. Jungkook mindlessly nodded, he was tired of being here. Jimins long apology speech seemed to drown on for hours.

At Jungkooks nod Jimins shoulders relaxed. "There, now can you tell Minho to back off."

There it is. Jungkook understood now. His facel turned from blank to angry. "Seriously. God, you're so...selfish. None of whatever you just said was from your heart, you just want your life back in order." Jungkook's anger weaved its way into his words.

"No-well...Jungkook...I just want my life to go back...you know how I am...I like everything in order." Jimin tried to fix the mess he created.

"So you don't care how I feel in this? How Yoongi feels? Jimin i've seen the posts, you cant just fix this with an apology, especially when you can't even do that right."

Jimin sighed. Technically he got his apology, he didn't need to play nice anymore. A scowl made its way onto his face.

"Listen Kookie," he said the old nickname with such hatred, Jungkook flinched. "I don't give a shit about how you feel. This whole mess is your fault. If you had kept your petty ass mouth shut, we wouldn't be in this situation. I'd still have my boyfriend and best friend, i'd still be on top of the world, everyone would love me.

But no, you had to open your mouth and now everyone fucking hates me, everywhere I turn there's a hate comment coming me way, saying im selfish or a slut. Im NOT a slut!" Jimin took in a deep breath, his face getting darker. "So help me Jeon Jungkook, if you don't tell your little minion to stop ruining my life i'll show Taehyung every single picture i have of that night."

Jungkook's eyes widened. Those should've been deleted. Why did Jimin still have them? "You wouldn't." Jungkook dared.

Jimin smirked and grabbed his phone. The tension grew tenfold as Jungkook waited in fear, praying that Jimin was just bluffing. Apparently he wasnt praying loud enough because a minute later Jimin held his phone up.

Jungkooks eyes teared up as he saw all the degrading photos Jimin had.

"Looky here, a video." Jimin said in fake happiness as he pressed play.

"Good boy, suck daddy's dick." Jimin grabbed Jungkooks head, forcing Jungkook to take in the rest of his length.

Jungkook responded with a lewd moan, his mouth still around Jimins dick. Jungkook looked up into the camera as he let Jimin face-fuck him. He looked like awful.

"You're such a good slut." Jimin moaned out as he came into Jungkooks mouth.

The video ended.

Jungkook stared at the phone in horror. "No, you-you told me you deleted them. Wh-why do you s-still have them?"


Jungkook stared in shock at the older male in front of him, he could feel a lump form in his throat. Jungkook turned around and left the room feeling like he was going to throw up.

He was met with a worried Taehyung and a confused Yoongi. "Whats wrong." Taehyung asked immediately. Jungkook couldn't meet his eyes.

"Please, please take me home." Jungkook begged. He couldn't stand to be in the house any longer. Taehyung nodded his head and grabbed his keys. Grabbing Jungkooks, he led him to his car.

The whole ride was silent. Jungkook refusing to look at Taehyung. When he finally go home Jungkook slid down his door, the tears he held back finally coming down.

He felt disgusting, dirty. The thought of Taehyung seeing him like that made him cry even more. He couldn't let that happen. He just couldn't.

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