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Jungkook sat on the same bench he met Taehyung at. His leg bounced as he waited impatiently. "what if Taehyung didn't come?" Just as Jungkook got up to leave, he heard the familiar deep voice of his crush.

"My plane was a bit late," Taehyung said. He was dressed in a normal pair of jeans and a black shirt with his signature Gucci jacket. Jungkook drunk in Taehyungs appearance, it'd been so long since they saw each other. 

Now that they were here in the moment, Jungkook realized he had no idea how to start off the conversation. What was he supposed to say "Hey Jimin has multiple pictures of me naked, I hope you aren't disgusted"

He probably should've thought this through. "Hi, Tae-Taehyung" He was going to leave out the rest, but then the text Taehyung sent about his name came to mind. Calling Taehyung 'Taehyung' felt unnatural, too formal.

"Hello Jungkook." Taehyungs voice was void of any emotion. That made it even harder for Jungkook to keep his confidence up. Jungkook felt suffocated by the lingering silence between them, normally they both had something to say, it was never so...awkward.

"Jungkook, why did you make me fly all the way over here?" Taehyung sighed, he was tired. He had to fly right back to Seol the next morning to do another photo shoot and they had a concert so that night. He had flown straight to Busan after he auditioned for this K-Drama coming out.

"I wanted to...talk to you?" Jungkook felt unsure of himself. He was starting to think this was a bad idea as Taehyungs glare intensified.

"Then speak!" Taehyung ordered. His voice was firm, demanding. Jungkook had never felt so small in his life.

"Jimin has photos...of me," Jungkook yelled out quickly, giving no context behind his words. Taehyung looked at him, confused. Why should he care that Jimin had pictures of Jungkook?

"Why should I care?" Taehyungs asked, raising his right eyebrow. 

"Because... he was going to show you them, and I didn't want you to think i was dirty, and I was so afraid of that so I stopped talking to you and it became so much that I needed someone to talk to and thats how Lisa plays a part in this, we didn't do anything I was telling her my situation and she told me I should talk to you instead of not talking to you so here I am." 

Jungkook let the truth come out, his head still down. He prayed that Taehyung understood him since he didn't think he could repeat himself. He held his breath as Taehyung was silent. Taehyung was never silent.

"Jungkook, a couple of weird photos wasn't going to make me think you're dirty." Taehyung finally spoke. Jungkook flinched back, if only they were just weird photos.

"No, you don't understand." Jungkook began to fidget. "The photos and video he has, they...they were of that night."

"That night? What night?" Taehyung asked.

"I...he...we...um. He...well...he was my....my first...and um...he to-took...these pictures...while...um...yeah." Jungkook stuttered out.

Tehyung was silent once more, freaking Jungkook out. "I understand if you don't want to see me again." Jungkook started walking away, his heart beginning to break into two. Before he could get far, he felt his wrist being grabbed.

Jungkook was pulled into Taehyungs arms. His tense body relaxed, his eyes closed, and he inhaled Taehyung sweet coconut scent. "So, he's blackmailing you with pictures from the night you to had sex." Taehyung asked although it sounded more like a statement.

Jungkook nodded his head.

"And you're afraid I'll hate you forever if i see these pictures." He sounded like he was recapping everything that Jungkook had just said.

Once again Jungkook nodded. Taehyung looked down at the male and laughed. 

"Baby, I wouldn't hate you. I'd probably beat Jimin up out of jealousy, but i'd never hate you. I'm guessing that night happened a long time ago." Tae said, still holding Jungkook in his arms.

"Four years ago. I was seventeen. I don't know why he still has those pictures." Jungkook mumbled into Taehyungs chest. Taehyung lifted Jungkooks head with his hand. He looked Jungkook in the eyes before leaning down and kissing him.

Their lips collided and Jungkook felt like he was flying. He melted in Taehyungs arms. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyungs neck, silently thanking whoever was up there, that Taehyung was holding him by the waist or else he'd fall. Jungkook moaned into the kiss, feeling content as Taehyung dominated him.  

As Taehyung pulled away Jungkook chased his lips, not wanting to stop. He huffed in annoyance as Taehyung chuckled, his voice low. "Baby, we're in a park."

Jungkook had half the mind to say he didn't care but he heard the sound of a car pulling into the parks, parking lot. "Well...I have a hotel." Jungkook said suggestively. Taehyung laughed and shook his head, "well then, lets go."


some technical difficulties have occurred. On my computer it says this is chapter 73 but here on my
phone it says chapter 74. Which one does it say to you guys? I desperately need to know so I can fix it.


the problem has been fixed

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