Chapter 8. Merry Christmas to you, Norman.

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It had been a good day. Why. Why for the love of cats and kittens did it have to end? Well. More like, why should it had to end like this?

Norman sat alone in his car. The snow falling onto the windshield as the wipers flicked them aside. He watched as the QUALIA employees had their early Christmas party. Norman kept checking his watch. Hypno should've been here by now. She said she'd be here at 9 sharp. It was 9:46. He called her again for the 5th time and once again, voicemail. He hit the wheel in anger. He called again, and when the voicemail prompt came up, he left a rather rude voicemail, stating that his grandmother knew had to keep better track of time. 

Norman then put his car gear into Drive and floored it down the icy road. He drove to the only place he knew he could find peace. ADHOC. He pulled into the empty parking lot and went inside. Angrily swiping his keycard 3 times until it let him in. He took the elevator to the floor he worked on. He went to his little office space, turned the desk lamp on and shoved papers into his desk drawer. Norman then loosened his tie and kicked his feet up. Then he let his thoughts have his attention. He sighed. 'It had been a good day. Why. Why for the love of cats and kittens did it have to end? Well. More like, why should it had to end like this?' 

He then heard something from downstairs. Somebody had entered the building. Norman quickly turned the lamp off just as the elevator doors opened and he saw the main board of ADHOC enter. They all went to the bosses office then went inside. Norman looked to the stairs...but...he wondered what the board was doing here so late...

His mind went haywire as he debated what he should do.

..Curiosity might get the best of me...

He grinned.

But we'll see. Yeah. I gotta see.

And with that, he snuck over to the bosses office and pressed his ear to the door. He couldn't hear much. It was a metal door. What did he expect? Disappointed he went back his desk, and grabbed his keys and when he faced the exit. He saw the board were all behind him.

Norman: Oh hi-

He felt something hit the back of his head. Then...his vision started fading. The last thing he saw was the tile floor before he blacked out.

He heard somebody speak before he was out, 

??: "Merry Christmas to you, Mr. Droid"

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