3. Of Violins & Birthdays

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People talking. Lights. The sound of the violin resonating through the auditorium.

Arianne always felt nervous before a presentation, but this time was worse, because she knew that Adrien would be in the audience. And, even though he had heard her play other times, he never heard her in a presentation, because his father didn't let him.

But now he had, and Arianne, for the first time, wished he hadn't. His presence there made her anxious. What if she forgot the notes? What if she got stage fright? What if her hands failed her?

All those questions filled her mind, and her teacher, Charlotte White, noticed.

"You alright, Aria?" she questioned, startling the girl a bit.

"I can't do this, Charlotte" she said, shaking her head "Anything could go wrong"

"It could" replied the woman "But it won't, because you know what you have to do. You practiced a thousand times, you got this. Let your hands do all the work, focus on feeling the notes you are playing"

The lights were turned off, and Arianne knew it was time.

"Take a deep breath" said Charlotte, and the violinist did as told "And go get 'em" Arianne took another breath, before nodding, and walking to the stage. The people clapped as she stood on the middle of the stage. She caught Adrien smiling at her, before beginning to play the first song, called "Hidden Falls".

Marinette and Alya, who were also sitting in the crowd, exchanged smiles. They loved to hear their friend play, and the song she was playing was beautiful. It brought some tears to Alya's eyes.

The audience could only clap once the whole presentation was over, so that's why they stayed quiet as Arianne took a sip of her bottle of water and stretched her arms, before playing the other song. This time, a pianist was accompanying her to play the "Fairytale Theme".

Her parents, Layla and Tony, were also in the crowd. Layla was crying, and Tony was smiling. They knew how talented their daughter was, but they wish she would stop demanding so much of herself. She was an amazing violinist.

Arianne played some more songs, before getting to the final one, and she was gonna do her best not to cry since it reminded her of Adrien.

'Feel the notes'

She heard the voice of Charlotte in her mind, and took a deep breath, before starting to play a rendition of "For the Dancing and the Dreaming".

Adrien stared at her in awe, but with a big smile. He knew he could never play the violin like his friend did, and that was what made him admire her. She was his best friend, one of the only people who truly knew him, and he cared a lot about her. 

When she was done, the auditorium erupted in applause. Arianne smiled, and bowed.

She had done well despite being so nervous, and had managed not to cry in the last song, which was a great accomplishment since the times she had practiced it, she always cried.

She wanted to have her original song done by that day, but she couldn't manage, so she played covers, but they were great nevertheless.

"See? I told you!" said Charlotte when her student approached her "You were great!" Arianne smiled gratefully at her "Now go, your friend are waiting to congratulate you" 

After changing her clothes, with her case hanging from her back, she stepped into the auditorium. Hers hadn't been the only presentation, some more violinists were about to come on stage, but there was a quick break before that. The first people she saw when she stepped out into the hall were her parents.

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