"Did you guys hear that?" questioned Adrien, when they heard what seemed like screams. Arianne and Marinette frowned and approached the window to see if they could spot whoever was in trouble, but they didn't see anything. Instead, they heard more shouting.
"I definitely heard that" replied Marinette "We better scoop this out!" all the class went outside of the room and downstairs, to the entrance. Nino took advantage of the situation to film everything.
"Is anyone here?!" questioned Adrien loudly.
"Can you hear us?!" asked Arianne "Hello?! Kim?! Max?!" then, they spotted goo on the floor, next to Kim's wristband. Marinette had seen the exact same thing when she was in the bathroom, looking for Myléne "This is Kim's, right?" questioned the violinist, showing the wristband to Adrien.
"Yeah, definitely" nodded Adrien. Everyone then started to freak out.
"Calm down, people!" said Arianne, raising her hands up "We have to tell principal Damocles what's going on, and Nino, stop filming!" she pointed out to the boy holding the cellphone.
"Not a chance!" he replied "This is just getting good" then, he saw Adrien sneaking away "Yo, Adrien!" he called, startling the boy, who turned around to look at him "Where are you going?"
"I left Officer Jones's jacket back there. Should probably wear it in all the scenes" he lied, rubbing his neck nervously, before running off. Thiago chose to ignore the fact that there was no Officer Jones's jacket, and instead motioned towards one of the classrooms looking at Arianne, who nodded as they both snuck out. They needed to find out whatever was going on.
Thiago took off his watch and Arianne her beret, and they both left them on the floor, in order for their classmates to believe that they had been taken by whatever was on the courtyard.
Then, they transformed.
"Shall we take a stroll, m'lady?" they heard Chat Noir's voice, talking to Ladybug.
"Can we join?" asked Tigre Blanco, and everyone turned to look at him and at Loup d'Argent, who had just arrived.
"Be my guest" replied Chat Noir, and both girls were surprised to see that Chat Noir didn't have the usual bitter tone he used every time he talked to Tigre Blanco.
"Quadrupled legit!" said Nino, still filming everything "Ladybug, Chat Noir, Loup d'Argent and Tigre Blanco in my movie? This is gonna be sick!"
"Okay, so we all know Hawkmoth is taking another innocent victim somewhere in school" Chat Noir spoke up, looking at his partners.
"Yeah, and the only way to get everyone out of here, is by capturing that victim's akuma" added the wolf girl.
"Exactly" nodded Chat Noir "I love it when you read my mind" she just rolled her eyes upon hearing that.
"We better find this...thing first" she stated "And its prisoners"
"Woah, you did it again!" said Chat Noir, amazed, and his friend couldn't help but smile this time.
"Don't mind me!" said Nino, approaching them, and filming everything "Finding the missing peeps and solving this crazy mystery with the masked quartet!"
Yeah, the name the news reporter had given the quartet had grown on everyone in the city, and everyone called them that now.
"I hate that name" complained Thiago.

When the Cat Met the Wolf
RomanceHaving a double life is not easy, just ask Arianne Mercier. On the one hand, she is your regular sixteen year old. With an incredible talent and passion for playing the violin, she attends school, hangs out with friends and is secretly in love with...