23. Of Knights & Armours

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So, Marinette decided to run for the elections of class representative, much to everyone's happiness.

Thiago was hanging out with Adrien in the school's yard before his fencing lesson, since he didn't feel like going home and face Arianne. He knew that she was sort of right and had told him that she didn't want to raise her hopes up, but he also knew that he had some reason, too; if Arianne didn't do anything about his feelings for Adrien, then something bad could happen.

"Hey" Adrien called out to him "You and Aria barely looked at each other today. What happened between the two of you?"

"Is it really that obvious?" he asked. Adrien was the second person that day that asked him about it.

"You didn't say anything to one another, and you didn't sit together in class, which was already suspicious enough" replied the boy "So, what happened?"

"She got angry at me for something I did" replied Thiago "Even when she told me that she didn't want me to do it"

"Well, if she didn't want you to do it, then she has the right to be angry" he said logically.

"Yeah, but I did it for her, because she definitely needed it" replied Thiago. He knew that Arianne had the right to be angry at him, but he also knew that what he did was not totally wrong, because he did it to cheer her up in some way.

"Maybe you should tell her that, then" suggested Adrien, and Thiago looked at him curiously "Maybe she'll understand"

"Or maybe she will yell at me like she did before" 

"You won't know 'till you try" replied the blonde, and he was right "What I definitely know, is that you guys are going to fix it in the end. You are practically siblings, and siblings always make up"

"I guess you are right in some way" said Thiago thoughtfully.

"Oh, Thiag" said Adrien, placing a hand on his shoulder, and making the white-haired look at him curiously "I'm always right" his friend rolled her eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself" Adrien laughed upon hearing this, just as his fencing teacher, Armand D'Argencourt, arrived.

"Time for practice" stated the blonde, standing up and grabbing his sword "You staying?"

"I'm definitely not going home" 

"Great" replied his friend "You'll be able to admire my amazing skills" he said confidently. Around Thiago, he could act just like Chat Noir did, because he didn't need to hide who he was, neither around him nor around Arianne.

"Let's see if you are as a good as you claim to be" said Thiago once more, folding his arms and leaning against the bench. Adrien smirked and went off to start his lesson.

After a couple of minutes, the blonde was on the floor, and Thiago couldn't help but snicker a bit, which earned him a glare, that only made him laugh even more.

As Armand was telling Adrien about an ancestor of his called Darkblade, the news reporter came into the school with a cameraman following behind. She asked him about his defeat at the elections for mayor, which he had lost with 3% of the votes, the lowest number of votes in Paris's history. The news reporter was obviously there to ask him about his failure.

Once a janitor spotted the news reporter, and they went off, Armand declared that the lesson had finished, and went off, too. Adrien looked at Thiago, kind of concerned about his teacher, but Thiago shrugged his shoulders, not really knowing what else to do.

"I really hate those guys" said the white haired, as him and Adrien walked down the stairs of the school.  Thiago still didn't feel like going home, so Adrien invited him over to his house.

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