Chapter 1

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Zach's POV 

Beep beep beep

I woke up to my annoying alarm clock. I turned off my alarm, got up and went into the bathroom and got in the shower. Anyways, I'm Zach Herron, I'm gay and when I told my parents they didn't  expect me and they abuse me. We moved from Texas to L.A. so my sister could become a model. My parents hate me and I can't wait to leave this hell hole. I got out of the shower, I wrapped my towel around my waist. I walked back to my room and got dressed into skinny jeans and my cookies tee shirt. I grabbed my diary and put it in my backpack and walked downstairs. I'm not allowed to eat when I am at home so I don't eat breakfast or dinner.

"Bye mom, bye dad." My dad ran over to me.

"How many times do we have to tell you not to call us mom or dad." He says as he punched me in the face, I dropped to the ground and he kicked me in the gut. He walked away. I got up and left for my long walk to school, my parents drove my brother and sister but not me. They are ashamed of me, to much.

I arrived at school and went into the office.

"Hey, I'm new my name is Zach Herron."

"Alright, here's your schedule, let me get someone to show you around."

"Thanks." I sat down and after 5 minutes a blonde tall kid came in.

"Hey I'm logan, I'm showing you around." He stuck his hand out.

"I'm Zach, thanks, sorry to be a burden." I say as I shake his hand.

"Your no burden." I just put my head low.

"Where did you move from?"


"Cool. Can I see you schedule?"

"Yah, here." 

"Alright math, that's Mr. Avery. Follow me." He showed me to my math class. I sat down at a desk in the back and put my head down. Once the bell rang, a hot teacher walked in with curly hair. Omg he hot as fuck, damn. I put my head back down and didn't listen to anything he said until he called me.

"So guys we have a new student, Zach why don't you introduce yourself." I stood up and everyone looked at me.

"I'm Zach Herron." And sat down.

"What do you like to do Mr. Herron." Mr. Avery asked.

"To be left alone." I say, he frowned. I put my head back down and fell asleep.

I woke up, Mr. Avery was shaking me awake.

"Come on buddy wake up, we need to talk." I looked up and realized we were the only people in the room. 


"What wrong? I know it's hard to move, but it seems deeper."


"Please tell me. What's the bruise on your face from?"

"Nothing." He put his hand on my back and rubbed my back trying to comfort me.

"Did you eat breakfast?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because, I want you to tell me what's wrong so I'm going to earn your trust."

"No, I didn't."

"Come on let's go get you something to eat."

"No, I am already a burden, don't make it worse." He frowned.

"Zach, please tell me. Did your parents hit you this morning."

"No." I mumble putting my head down.

"Are you telling me the truth?"

"Yes, can I please go to my next class?"

"Sure, I'll walk with you. Where do you go?" I looked at my schedule.


"Hmmm, good old Mr. Marias. Come on lets go." He lead me to Mr. Marais room.

"Mr. Marais." He called into the classroom. A tall teacher walked out of the room.

"Yes, Jack."  He turned and saw me.

"Who is this?" 

"This is Zach and take it easy on him, he's in a rough situation."

"I will thanks." He turned to me.

"Come on in, you can sit in the back if you want." I nodded, he guided me into the classroom and to a seat in the back of the classroom.

"If you need to talk I'm here." He said and walked away. I put my head down and thought to myself my do these people care so much about me on one ever has and it feels weird. I don't like it. If feels weird, ugh I hate this. Eventually I fell asleep again. But this time I was woken up by the bell.

"Zach stay back for a minute." I sat back down. Mr. Marais walked up to me.

"Y-Yes s-sir."

"I'll let you sleep in my class but if you start to fall behind you won't be allowed to anymore. Jack texted me and told me what he thinks is going on. So tell me! What's the bruise from and are there anymore." I put my head down. 

"More." I mumbled.

"Speak up."


"There are more?" I nodded slightly.

"From who?" I shrugged.


"Can I go to my next class? Please."

"If you ever need to talk, I'm here. Where do you go?" I looked at my schedule.


"Mmm. Mr. Seavey. Come on let's go to music. Do you care if I tell him or no." I shrugged.

"I don't care." I mumbled softly.

"I won't if you don't want me too." I shrugged. We arrived at the classroom.

"Can I stay with you?"

"No but I will stay in this class with you and when lunch comes, you can come to my room." I nodded. "What instrument do you play?"


"Cool. I play the guitar too." 

"Seavey." He shouted into the classroom. A guy with beautiful blue eyes and super skinny.

"Yes jo." 

"This is Zach, he was with me he is new. I'm staying in here to keep him some company."

"Alright, works for me." 

"Hey Zach, how are you?" 


"How are you?" I looked at Mr. Marais and shrugged.

"He's in tough shape." 

"Okay. What instrument do you play?"


"Cool so does Jonah and me."


"Yes Jonah." He says pointing to Mr. Marais.


"Well lets go inside. We can get you a guitar to play?" We walked into the classroom and Mr. Seavey handed me a guitar.

"Thanks." I mumble.

"You can go sit down and get started. We will be right over." I left them and sat down away from everyone. Well Mr. seavey and Mr. Marais talked. Probably about me. They kept looking at me. Both of them looking at me sympathetically.

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