Chapter 29

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Zach's POV

"Aww. My poor baby." Corbyn said rubbing my back, I lifted my head and looked at him. I wiped my face on Chris's shoulder. Corbyn sat on the couch and Chris sat next to him. I crawled onto his lap and he wrapped his arms around me.

"What are they doing with Jacky?"

"They sobered him up and are telling him what happened," Chris said causing me to frown and tears roll down my face. I shoved my face into Corbyn's chest.

"Are they telling him I cut?"

"Yes, they have to. Come on take a nap." I nodded and closed my eyes. I woke up and I had peed and saw I was still on Corbyn's lap.

"Daddy I peed." Corbyn picked me up and carried me to the bathroom.

"Bad dream?" I nodded and he turned the shower and undressed me. "What about?"

"Jacky," I mumbled and Corbyn put me in the shower, he washed me. "Where is Jack?" I asked as Corbyn dried me off.

"In his bunk."

"Can I go see him?" Corbin nodded, I walked out of the bathroom and towards Jack's bunk.

"Zach, what are you doing?" Jonah asked sticking his head out of his bunk.

"Going to see Jacky."

"I think you should leave him alone."

"NO." I yelled opening Jack's curtain, Jack was facing the wall. I laid behind Jack and shut his curtain. "Jacky." He didn't say anything, I climbed over him so I was on the side he was facing. I laid down and Jack wrapped his arms around me.

"Zachary out!" Jonah yelled opening Jack's bunk.

"No!" I yelled grabbing onto Jack as Jonah tried to pick me up. "Leave me alone. I want Jacky." I said clinging on to Jack, Jonah let me go and went back to his bunk. I went back into the position I was in before.

"You're not supposed to be in here Zach."

"Why not?"

"They don't want you here."

"Well, I can do what I want." I laid my head on Jack's chest.

"Why were you drinking?"

"I'm just stressed. Gabbie is pregnant. And I'm just stressed."Jack said making me frown and apologize to him. "Did you have a nightmare? Is that why you are naked?"

"Yeah, it was about you," I said mumbling the last part. "I love you, Jacky," I said as Jack rubbed my back.

"I love you too baby."

"Can we go out? Just us?"

"As long as it is okay with the guys."

"I'll go ask," I said getting out of his bunk and walking to Corbyn as Jack followed me. "Can Jacky and I go out?"

"Why are you asking?" Corbyn asked.

"Jonah doesn't think I should be around him," Jack said sounding annoyed.

"I'll take care of Jonah you guys go have fun."

"Thank you, daddy," I said hugging Corbyn. "Come on," I said pulling Jack to the door.

"Zach you're naked."

"Oh right, I forgot. Help me." I said causing Jack to chuckle. He grabbed me clothes and helped me get dressed.

"Okay we can go now," Jack said as he grabbed my bag and we left the bus. "Does dinner and go-karting sound good to you?" Jack asked as we walked.

"Yes," I said and we walked into the go-karting place. "Can you drive though?" I asked and Jack nodded, he bought us tickets and we raced around in go-karts for about an hour. Then we went to some random restaurant.

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