Chapter 26

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Zach's POV

"Eat a little bit. You don't want your sugar dropping." He said and I took the plate from him. I ate some of my chicken and pushed the plate away. "Zach eat two bites of rice." Dani said.

"I'm full."

"Zachary." He scolded, I sighed and ate two bites of rice. I pushed my plate away again and laid against Jacks chest.

"Are you feeling okay?" Jack asked and I shook my head. "What hurts?"

"My stomach and head."

"Daniel can you grab him a bottle of water." Jack said and Dani got up and grabbed me a bottle of water. He opened the water bottle and handed it to me. Jack up his hand on my stomach and rubbed it as I drank my water. "Helping?" I shook my head and turned around and cuddled into Jack's chest. Jack rubbed my back and stomach.

"Hurts." I said as I removed his hand from my stomach. I laid against his chest and laid my head in the crook of his head.

"Why don't you take a shower?" He said and I shook my head, I closed my eyes. "If you want to sleep you need a shower." I shook my head and opened my eyes. "Can someone get his monitors?" Jack said and Jonah got up, he grabbed my monitor. Jonah pricked my finger.

"He is low. Here." He said as he handed me a rice crispy treat. I tried to open it but I couldn't do it my hands were shaking. Jonah took it and opened it, he gave it back and I ate it.

"Feeling better?" Jack asked after a couple of minutes, I shrugged. "Go shower." Jack said, I shook my head and held onto Jack tightly. "Do you want me to come with you?" I nodded shyly in his shoulder. Jack stood up and he carried me went upstairs. "Do you want me to bath you or shower?"

"Shower?" I said more like questioned.

"Do you want me to wait here?" He asked. I nodded, Jack helped me undress and I got into the shower. I started to wash my hair when I started to shake.

"JACK." I yelled and Jack opened the shower curtain and I fell over. Jack caught me and I started to cry. He turned off the water and picked me up.

"Are you hurt?" He asked I shook my head. "What happened?" He asked as I sniffled into his shoulder and I rubbed my eyes.

"I got shaky. No more please?"

"It's okay we are all done." Jack said as he set me down and dried me off. He put on my diaper and the sweater he was wearing on me. "Do you want to go to bed?" I nodded and he picked me up and tucked me into my bed.

"Can I go to your room with you?" I asked Jack nodded and picked me up. He took me into his room and laid me on his bed.

"Feeling better." He asked. I shook my head. "Do you want me to get Chris or Jo?" I shook my head and stuck my arms up. Jack laid down next to me and I cuddled into his chest.

"Night. I love you." I said and Jack kissed my forehead as I fell asleep.

Daniel's POV

I woke up to Jonah's alarm blaring next to me. I turned to Jonah and shook him awake. "Morning Dani." He said his voice raspy and hot.

"Morning. I'm going to go wake up the others." I said as I put on my boxers and left his room. I went into Corbyn's room, I turned on his light and he woke up. "Hi we need to get ready to go." He nodded and turned to Chris, he woke her up. I went to Jack's room but didn't turn on his light because Zach was sleeping here. I shook Jack awake and he turned and looked at me.

"What's up?" He mumbled rubbing his eyes.

"Get ready to leave." I said and Jack gently moved Zach off of him.

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