Chapter 15

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Zach's POV 

We got home and it was 3:30 which means the guys are going to be home soon. I am bored and I am in my room alone, I grabbed my phone and opened up the porn website Jack showed me. I clicked the search bar and searched up gay. A whole bunch of videos, I clicked on the first one that popped up. I shut my door and grabbed my headphones, plugging them in. I watched the two guys having sex. I felt myself starting to get a boner, I pulled off my pants and boxers and fixed my problem.(not writing smut he is 14). Once I finished, I left my room and went into Jonahs.

"Did you have a good time?" He asked, I blushed and hid my face.

"I didn't mean to be loud, Jack says you don't like it when we are loud."

"You haven't ever heard Jack jerk off, well he is being loud. You're fine, just pipe down a tade bit."

"Okay. Sorry."

"You're fine, come on let's cuddle."

"I like cuddles."

"I know you like cuddles." I smiled and crawled into his bed. I laid next to him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I watched porn." I say proud of myself.

"Wow, that exciting. You're the only person that has ever told me that."

"Why, people don't talk about watching porn?"

"No they don't but that's okay. You're special which means you can talk about porn if you want to."

"Okay. Good, because I haven't ever done that and it was awesome." Jonah was laughing his ass of at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're just so innocent it's cute." 

"Okay." I heard the door open. The guys were home. Yes. I wiggled out of Jonah's grasp and ran downstairs.

"Guess what?" I yelled.


"I watched porn today for the first time."

"Wow that was blunt." Dani says.

"Congrats buddy, congrats." I hugged them and went back upstairs to Jonah's room.

"Hey." I said as I walked through his doorway.

"Come, cuddle." I nodded and laid next to him and cuddled into him. I took my phone out of my pocket and pulled up YouTube and started to watch Logan Paul.

"I know logan." Jonah says.

"Really?" I said not really believing him.

"Yah, ready come here." He pulled out his phone and went to his contacts and searched Logan Paul up.

"You're going to call him."

"We are going to FaceTime him." He clicked the FaceTime button, I rang 3 times and Logan picked up.

"Mi boii Jonah." He yelled into his phone.

"Hey Logan. I have someone here that wants to talk to you." I crawled onto Jonahs lap, and smiled at his phone.

"Awww, when did you have a kid?"

"Me and the guys adopted him, he is 14 and was abused by his parents and we took him in."

"Wow, he's so cute, what's his name?"

"Zach, Zachary Dean Herron."

"Awww. Cute. Hey buddy." I smiled and waved at the camera.

"He was watching your vlogs next to me and I'm like I need to FaceTime you."

"You're in the Logang." I nodded.

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