Chapter 15

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Zak's POV

I stand up when Mallory walks in the house I smile when she walks over to me I wrap my arms around her waist then kiss her head. "I have plans for us tonight" She looks at me and tilts her head to the side "What are we doing?" I look down at the floor "We are going on a date" She lifts my face to where I'm looking at her then kisses me I kiss back and pull her close to me. She looks up at me "What should I wear for tonight?" I think about everything I have planned for tonight "Something casual and some comfortable shoes there's somewhere special I want to take you." She nods then goes upstairs to start getting ready and I sit down on the couch and wait. I was excited about tonight it had been a long time since we had a date night.

Mallory's POV

Since Zak said comfortable and casual I look through the closet and pick a pair of white shorts a blue and white strapped tank top and silver sandals, a bracelet and a necklace. I take a shower then get dressed I walk to the living room Zak stands up and walks over to me he had changed and showered too, he was in black jeans, a black button up muscle shirt that still fit his arms tightly I lick my lips slowly Zak looked great. He walks over "Tonight we are going to the Bellagio Botanical Gardens and fountains, a special place to me that's a surprise and I was thinking dinner last" I nod it sounded like Zak had the whole night planned out for us.

Zak's POV

I hold her hand as we walk through the Botanical Gardens I watch her eyes light up when we pass roses they had always been her favorite flowers she stops then leans into to smell one of them closing her eyes it was a perfect moment one I could say in forever. We keep walking and she looks up at me "Thank you for bringing me here you remember that I liked roses?" "We dated through high school I was a skinny nobody in glasses I remember everything that you said to me" She smiles then looks around and we keep walking. I bite my lip feeling nervous around her even though I didn't have to be, I didn't have to try and impress her or charm her all over again she didn't care about my show or the money she cared about me as a person which is something I had been missing when I had been with other women.

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