Chapter 34

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Mallory's POV

I bite my lip while I pace back and forth in the bathroom waiting on the test, Zak saying nothing would change and that he would still want to marry me helped a little I sigh softly then hear a knock on the door. "Sweetie open the door and let me in" I unlock the door then wrap my arms around Zak as he walks in he kisses my head and rubs my back before wrapping his arms around me "how much longer?" "A few more minutes" he nods then sways slowly before he turns his head and I tense when he looks down at the test. "What does it say?" I look up at him and he's smiling "it's positive we are going to have a baby" I take the test then look down at the two lines, I hug him and wrap my arms around his neck he picks me up and spins me around then kiss him slowly I kiss back and lay my head against his. "Are you happy?" he nods "it's about time by the time this baby is ten I'll be fifty" I laugh then look back at the test.

Zak's POV

We go to bed and she curls up against my chest I wrap an arm around her and put my hand on her stomach I hoped I wouldn't let them down as a husband and father my fans knew that I didn't want kids, but I had been scared before, but I wanted to be better. I look at her and watch her sleep before rubbing her stomach gently I wanted this with her I just hoped that I didn't mess up I knew that there was no chance of us divorcing and there was no way in hell I would ever let her walk away again and I wasn't going to walk away from her or this baby. If there was an afterlife or reincarnation I would be with them in that life too I kiss her head and pull her close then close my eyes and fall asleep.

Aaron's POV

Zak helps us pack up all the equipment and load it into the back of the car that would be taking us home I close one of the camera cases and put in the back then look over at him with Mal. His head was tilted to the side and he was looking at her concerned she smiles then wraps her arms around his waist and looks up at him. He puts his hand on the side of her face then kisses her slowly she kisses back and puts her hand over his, he pulls away then kisses her head and she closes her eyes. They must have had a really good time when they came in this morning but there was something a little different he was hovering he never did that he wasn't going further than a few feet away from her and I wondered if it was because she was still sick but she looked a lot better today. I shrug then finish loading the last few pieces of our equipment.

Zak's POV

I had an appointment for Mal at New Beginning OB-GYN the best in Vegas for the next nine months her and my baby would be taken care of by the best doctors I had even done a background check before making the appointment I knew I might be a little overprotective. I reach over and hold her hand while we drive through the city "how are you feeling?" She smiles "I feel fine a little hungry though can we stop and get something to eat when we are done?" I give her a smile "of course" I would be lenient with the healthy food since she would probably start craving soon. I look back at the road and keep driving before pulling into a parking lot, we get out of the car and look up at the building "New Beginnings OB-GYN here we are" she looks at me and I hold her hand "I'm right here with you every step of the way for every appointment" she kisses my cheek and we walk inside.

Mallory's POV

I squeeze Zak's hand when I lay back in the thin hospital gown he smiles then kisses my head "Dr. Mchale is the best in Vegas she knows what she's doing everything will be fine" apparently Zak had been doing some homework on my new OB. I nod then kiss his cheek and look up when the door opens she smiles and walks over "I'm Dr. Mchale you must be Mr. and Mrs. Bagans I spoke with your husband over the phone congratulations on your pregnancy I look forward to taking care of you and your baby the next nine months" She was nice, professionally, and didn't drool over Zak I liked her already. She runs a few tests and does a pelvic exam on me and my first ultrasound, Zak smiles when he sees the small circle appear on the screen. "That's our baby" I kiss his hand then we get the test results back a little later. Everything looked good and I was close to being twelve weeks pregnant Zak schedules our next appointment and we leave.

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