Chapter 57

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Nancy's POV

I look outside when Gracie and Ares start baking and I see Zak's car pulling up they had made it back from England, I pick up Salem then go over to the door and open it just as they get out of the car, Gracie and Ares run out past me to get to them I laugh when Gracie jumps on Zak and stands on her back legs he smiles then hugs her and pets her excitedly. I look at Mal and watch her with Ares she pets him and hugs him, and he happily walks by her side as they come in the house Zak holds his arms out when he reaches me then takes Salem and holds her tightly "There's daddy's girl." She smiles and hugs back "dada" Mallory leans over then kisses her cheek she shrieks and reaches for her "Momma!!" I knew she was happy to have her parents back home.

Zak's POV

I walk outside to the pool and see Mal in the water with Salem, I smile when she kicks her feet and legs gently getting them wet I go over to one of the chairs then sit down and lean back. Mal looks over at me while Salem splashes the water "are you okay?" I lean forward "I'm happy we are home and that we get to be with her again I'm just not as ready as I normally am for the next lockdown" She nods slowly then looks back at Salem "It could be because we had two weeks in London and now a week with her you'll be back to your excited self before you know it." I nod then start thinking. What if it was more than that and I was ready to quit doing the show and stay with my family? I sigh I wasn't sure if that time was coming but maybe she was right, and I would get excited about it.

Billy's POV

I check the equipment and pack them into their cases then carry them over to the door we would be leaving in a few days for our next lockdown, I had gone to see Zak and Mal to see how their trip was they seemed ready to get back to filming. They still seemed happy and in love with each other which was a good thing and I guess the black hair was going to be a permanent look for Mal instead of the brown she had when we first met her. Zak seemed to like it though, I was happy they had a good honeymoon and I was ready to get back on the road with them again, we joked around and had fun when we were making an episode and I had missed being a family for the last month.

Mallory's POV

I sit on the bed folding mine and Zak's clothes to put in one bag and working on a bag that would hold everything that Salem needed while we were gone for a week. Zak walks in holding her and I smile when I see him talking to her as they sit down on the edge of the bed, I put a pair of his jeans in the bag and look at them "What have you been doing?" he looks down at her in his lap. "Tell mommy where we are going." She giggles and throws her hands in the air "Lockdown!!" I smile then lean in and kiss her cheeks and take "You're such a smart girl you're just like your daddy, aren't you?" She smiles and nods before crawling back to his lap. I didn't know if she would ever be in an episode with us but she had the same excitement about going that Zak did.

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