After the after beginning.

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"We're still running low," beca says, handing me a can of baked beans.

I knew this would happen. We can't live off canned food and hope that it'll last forever.

"It's okay, you can have mine I ate while you were asleep." I lie, handing the can back to Beca and Jacinta, Grace and Nadia look at me confused, but beca doesn't see their reaction as she nods and goes to the kitchen.

"You can't just not eat." Jacinta whispers, sternly.

"She's pregnant," I reply, "she needs to eat for two people. I think I can survive one day without eating." Jacinta looks back down at her food and keeps eating, trying not to argue with me because Beca comes back into the room.

"We need to go out and get supplies," Nadia says to everyone.

"We're running out of food, fast." grace says.

"What'd you suggest we do?" Beca says, as she takes another spoon full of food.

"We need to go out and scavenge. There's a corner store nearby. It's only a 5 minute walk." Nadia says, shrugging.

"How do we defend ourselves?" Jacinta asks. Nadia holds up the gun.

"One gun between five of us, a loud gun that draws attention towards us? That'll help us a lot actually, I'd love to meet up with some of them." Jacinta points out sarcastically.

"Then only some of us will go?" I suggest. We all look to each other.

"Fine. I'll go with Nadia and Jacinta." Grace says, getting her shoes on and shrugging on a thick jacket. Nadia gets up and gets ready too as Jacinta puts on her converse. I stop Jacinta.

"I don't trust them." I whisper to her.

"I know." She replies, "If we don't come back in thirty minutes, something's wrong; really wrong. If something's really wrong you need to come get me."

"I will." I reply as she gets up, takes my hoodie off of me and wears it. Nadia an Grace lead Jacinta outside.


"It's been 29 minutes! Why aren't they back?!" I yell to Bec. She shrugs.

"Maybe it takes a while to get stuff?" She suggests, trying to calm me down.

"No," I reply, "something's wrong,"

"Let's go then." She says, walking to the door and waiting for me. I grab a steel baseball bat for protection since there's nothing else. Once the doors open, we smell it. The smell of dead, rotting bodies witting through the air and wind. The sun is setting as it's around 5/6.

"Come on let's go," I whisper to Beca and she nods as I lead her to the grocery store.

Once we see it in view we silently run there. Bec looks through the window and looks back to me.

"They're in there," she says and I sigh in relief, "tied up as it looks,"

"What? shit." I exclaim, handing the bat to beca, "I'll go around the back and see what I can do, you keep an eye out for anything or anyone."

"Okay, stay safe," she says to me and I open the gate to the back of the store and soon find the door that creaks as I walk inside.

It's quiet. All that can be heard is the noise of my footsteps on the crunchy, brown leaves that I can see scattered on the ground of the inside store. Suddenly I bump into a tall figure and I try to run back but it's grabbing me by the arm and pulling me towards it. I look up to see a guy my age. He has beautiful green eyes, curly brown hair and he's tall and looks perfect in his black jeans and grey jumper.

"Who are you?!" he whisper/yells.

"Who the fuck are you-"

"Have you been fucking bitten?" He asks turning me around and I push him off of me.

"Get the fuck off of me, I haven't," I spit and his eyes go wide.

"You're friends are in there aren't they?" He looks to me with sincerity and I nod, "They tried to steal from us. They're trash. I'm guessing you're here to do the same so this is how it's going to go down," he says, grabbing my arm again with great force and whispering, his hot breath tickling my ear and neck, "We're going to go inside and you're going to be tied up and left here with your stupid friends while the rest of us escape and you

"Don't you fucking dare," I spit coldly at him, he smirks and pulls me into the front room and I see beca there too as well as Nadia, Grace and Jacinta.

"Found another one of them." He says, pushing me down as someone else ties me up. There are five guys in here.

One who has millions of tattoos, party covered by his sleeves.

One who keeps his eyes on Beca the whole time.

One that looks scared. He looks fragile with his blonde hair almost covering his blue eyes.

One with blue eyes and feathery brown hair who's tying Jacinta up.

And the one with curly hair who's smirking.

"Let us go," Jacinta says quietly, "We did nothing wrong! We only wanted supplies, we're starving and she's-"

"Shut the fuck up," green eyes spits and I feel my blood boil.

"Don't you fucking talk to her that way you piece of absolute shit!" I yell at the top of my lungs, heat rushing to my face. He just looks at me and laughs.

"I swear to you better shut your mouth or-"

"Harry," the one who keeps his eyes on Bec says, snapping Harry out of it, "Don't be a fucking douche. They're here for a reason lets not forget that."

"Who the fuck died and made you queen, Liam?" the one with brown hair and blue eyes says.

"Since no one else here knows what the fuck they're doing, Louis." Liam says in the same harsh tone Louis did. I now know more than half of their names.

"Why don't you guys fight after you untie us?" Jacinta says, smiling sarcastically. Everyone looks to her and she shrugs.

"Let's just get what we need and leave." The blonde one says, interrupting everyone's fighting.

"You're just going to leave us here?!" Grace yells, finally speaking up.

"Yep." Louis says.

"You are fucking horrible human beings, you know that?!" nadia yells.

"Yep." Louis repeats.

"You know you're not only killing five girls," beca speaks up, looking to Liam like looking to an old friend, "You're killing six." The place stops. Liam stops walking and all eyes are on him and Bec at this moment. Liam clenches his jaw and shrugs like it doesn't matter. There's something between them, there has to be.

"You guys go, I'll wait here till it's clear." Liam says, avoiding eye contact.


"Go." He repeats, sternly, now looking to the boys with a reassuring glance. Once the boys leave the room, Liam is immediately running to Bec and unbinding the ropes that her hands were previously restricted in. He then follows this action by kissing her. Not just any kiss though. A real one. One that shows history.

"I feel like I'm missing something here?" Jacinta questions, moving her hands around, trying to gesture to Bec and Liam. Liam then gives Jacinta a small smile before helping us all out of our ropes and out of our death.

This is it  \\part one\\Where stories live. Discover now