Life goes on it gets so heavy.

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I can hear yelling from the other room but I ignore it. Bec needs me.

"Push, just a few more times," I say and she does, screaming a little bit and I can start to see the head of our baby. Soon it's the shoulder that I'm seeing.

"One more push Bec," I say to Bec. She's screaming and looks like she's about to pass out. Then she gives one last push and the baby is completely out. It has a bit of hair on its head and it's eyes are closed. It's a girl.

But something seems... wrong. It's not moving. I try to feel for it's pulse but it's no where to be found.

"Bec something's wrong!" I yell, panicking.

"L-Liam," she croaks and I look to her. She looks tired. So tired.

"She's not b-breathing," I say and a look of pure terror flashes upon her face and she sighs, reaching out her arms and I pass her our baby girl.

"I-I love you," she says, tearing up, "Both of you." She looks up and I let a tear spill. I wrap my arms around her and our child and out bodies rack with sobs. I pull away to look at the two people I love most in this world. Bec has her eyes closed and her back goes limp in my arms, but her arms still around our little one.

"Bec?" I whisper. She must've fallen asleep. She doesn't reply. She doesn't even move.

"No! Bec!" I yell, shaking her a little bit.

She still doesn't reply.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" I yell extremely loud, and the door from the other room bursts open. Niall immediately runs to me while the others look at the scene unfolding. Some already crying.

"They aren't moving- both of them," I breathe heavily but I still try to explain things to Niall so he can help, "Elisa wasn't moving when she came out-"

"Elisa?" Zayn asks and I nod.

"That's her name." I break down and force my eyes shut, blocking out all tears.

"Liam, calm down," Niall says, also panicking but trying to control it. Grace runs over as well and puts her head to Becs chest and her hand to her pulse.

"She-She's- NO, SHE CANT BE-" Grace falls to the ground and I let out little screams. Zayn comes and comforts her as I hear sobs from everyone else.

"They're both...they're both d-dead?" I choke out and I don't even need a response for anyone to know. I just lost everything. In one heart beat I lost everything. They will never come back. Why am I even here? If I don't have her I don't exist. She was my best friend. And now she's gone.

"BECA WAKE UP, STOP THIS NOW," Jacinta yells, wiping her eyes about to run to Bec but Louis holds her back, "LET ME GO! LET ME FUCKING GO," she screams, her voice cracking and she screams at him and I need to wipe my eyes from them going blurry.

"Breathe," is all Lou says for Jacinta to crumple into his arms and scream into his chest as Louis cries with her. I slowly look back to Bec and wrap my arms around her for the last time.

"I love you." I say repeating Becs last words, "B-Both of you." I kiss both their heads gently. I grab a gun and hold it to Becs head. I look away and so does everyone else. I close my eyes and pull the trigger. Staying in my position as I move to Elisa. My breath quickens and cringe and let tears fall.

"Dad loves you. Dad always will." I whisper as the sound of the gun hurts my ears.



"Drive," Harry says as he looks to Liam holding Bec. We had to take her out of the hospital with Elisa. Past Zombies, so we can have a proper funeral. A proper goodbye. I look to Harry and he looks down, wiping an eye. I sigh and look back to the road. Focusing on the houses that we're passing; houses that people used to live in before this shit happened.

I don't think I can handle this without going crazy. Nadia is dead. Bec and her child is dead. Who else is going to have to die? Why did this have to fucking happen?

I close my eyes as we turn a corner. I try to remember the good days. When I would wake up with Harry wrapped around me. The sunlight streaming onto his face, lighting up his green eyes and making his smile a hundred times more contagious. His lips on mine. Life seems so beautiful that day. I wish I could go back. But I can't. This is reality. This is what's going on now. I need to accept that; we all do.

"We're here." Louis says, brokenly from the drivers seat. He takes a breath before opening the door and stepping out, not even checking if there are any walkers because none of us give a fuck anymore. We all file out and go to the cabins backyard with shovels. We get digging.

"Liam let me help-" Zayn says as he looks at Liam, lifting up Becs limp body.

"No." Liam spits, coldly and Zayn steps back to Grace. A few minutes pass and they're both in the deep hole with coins on their eyes and two flowers around them. The only flowers that we're growing around us.

"Say a few words," Jacinta suggest to Liam. He stays silent, "Fine, I will." Jacinta replies, walking to the side of the grave.

"You will always be remembered. Everything you do will-will be remembered. I'll still relive the moment when you climbed through the window of Grace and Nadias house. And I remember when N-Nadia died," Jacinta pauses, wiping at her cheeks, "You were there for everyone. I remember crying with you. I never thought that I'd be crying for you, about the same reason. We'll miss you." Jacinta pauses, "Chin up, Beccy."

Jacinta sits cross legged and starts pushing the dirt into the hole. I walk over and sit next to her, giving her a long hug, showing her I care and I start filling the hole with the brown dirt. A few minutes pass and we're all sitting in the same position, the ground uneven, but covered.

We're in a circle. Sitting down with our hands in our laps like little children. No words were spoken. Even Kendall knew this was serious.

So with that silence, we just sit there.

This is it  \\part one\\Where stories live. Discover now