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I'm sweating. My head hurts in waves of pain. I've been through at least 3 bottles of water now. We've been walking for at least half an hour, maybe more; I've lost track of time. We've encountered 5 walkers. All dead now.

"How much longer?" Kendall asks, flicking her hair behind her ears and opening a mirror to check herself out.

"As long as it takes." I say, rolling my eyes, she giggles. Yes, she fucking giggles. Who even told her to laugh at my jokes? God I hate her.

"How are you Bec?" I hear Liam whisper and since I'm tired of hearing nothing but the wind, I listen in.

"It hurts so much." She whimpers and Liam looks sorry.

"This was a bad idea, I'm sorry," Liam looks down. Bec shakes her head about to say something but I do instead.

"We can't keep walking like this." I say, stopping in my tracks, "we need something we-" I stop, looking at the car in the middle of the road. It's a four door Van, must've been abandoned when the world went to shit, "That." I say pointing to the car, "We need that."

"How do we like even get it to start?" Kendall asks and like usual we all ignore her.
I walk over to it, my steel baseball bat ready at my hands. I open the door with ease and hop in the drivers seat. Everyone looks impressed as I high jack the engine and the car roars to life.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Harry asks, smiling.

"There's nothing Google can't teach you." I say, proudly, "Now get in." Everyone files in and I start the car, getting directions yelled at me from the back seats.

"Ew!" Kendall exclaims, "This car smells!"

"Shut up Kendall." Jacinta and Tiarn say in sync.

"Guys," Bec groans from the back, "Guys it hurts!"

"Shit, shit, shit," I hear Jacinta panicking.

"It's okay, w-we're nearly there." Liam says. I look in the rear view mirror and see Bec holding her stomach in pain while Jacinta freaks out and Tiarn tells her to breathe.

"Chin up, Beccy," I say, looking back to the road and making a messy turn as she laughs a little, resulting in pain.

"Louis floor it!" Harry yells to me, worried about Becs pain and that she's probably going I to labour.

I go as fast as I can, turning where Grace tells me too. I turn right and see a sign that reads:

Clear view Hospital

"We're here!" I exclaim, turning into the parking area and running over two Zombies, who don't get back up. I slowly turn the engine off and we're all silent.
Slowly and carefully, I open the door with a deafening creak. I cringe and continue by stepping out, baseball bat still in hand and I look around.

"Coast is clear," I whisper and we get out, moving towards the entrance of the West Wing, all of us on high alert except for Liam who's helping Bec walk. We pass pieces of rubbish moving in the wind and cars which were left abandoned and stinking with flies circling for the smell of rotting meat. We reach the slide doors and are grateful for them being open. We walk through and are faced with walkers. Many walkers. They haven't spotted us yet due to the fact that they're on the other side of the area.

Then I notice it. The sound of.. dripping water? I look to the zombies and they are looking back.

"Did your water just... break?" Niall whispers as the zombies keep looking at us to see if we're moving.

"Y-Yes?" Bec replies, looking to the floor at the puddle of water.

"She's going into labour?!" Jacinta yells altering the Zombies who start running our way. Dumbass!

"Up the stairs quickly!" Liam yells. We run to the flight of stairs next to the broken elevator and start rapidly climbing to the first floor, slowing down when we see the Zombies aren't able to climb past the thick, heavy chain that was guarding the stairs.

We're now at the first floor.




I hear noises from the first floor and stop leading the group. They hear it too. We continue, walking through to the first floor of this giant hospital. I spot where the noise is coming from. Two doors are sealed shut with chains and words are written on the doors.

"..Don't dead open... inside?" I question confused and Jacinta shrugs.

"Don't open, dead inside." Harry confirms, just then the door jolts and whatever is inside there is trying to get out.

"Come on," Zayn says, leading us down the hallway. Tiarn stops to shoot down a few zombies that are in our path and we don't even have to pause or stop walking, the zombies are already down before they can reach us. She really is handy with a bow and arrow.

Moving along, the hall is cleared from any threats and we find a room labeled with Supply area. We move the stretcher from the doorway and take it inside closing the door behind us and boarding it up once we see there are no Zombies here.

"How're you feeling Bec?" Tiarn asks, caring for her friend.

"Hot." Bec speaks out, "And it hurts."

"You're going to be okay," Jacinta smiles, wiping hair from Becs forehead as she lays down on the stretcher.

"Guys, we need towels, water, and gloves can you manage that?" Liam asks and we all nod.

"Ill get the towels," Harry says and immediately after Kendall is grabbing onto his arm.

"I'll go with you!" Kendall says. Harry gives me a pissed off look that Kendall doesn't see and I return it gladly.

"I'll go get the gloves with Tiarn," Jacinta says as they walk to the cabinets on the other side of the room, which is surprisingly big for a supply room.


"Don't worry man," Jacinta starts, "They're just getting towels. It's not a marriage proposal."

"I know but I just- I don't have a good feeling about this." I say, feeling the nervousness pool in my stomach.

"Look, I found the gloves, do you wanna go check what they're doing?" Jacinta asks, holding the box of gloves up.

"It's not that I don't trust him, it's that I don't trust her. Even since highschool she's been wanting revenge and I don't want Harry to be her game." I say and Jacinta nods.

"Everything's going to be okay, we're gonna have a child in our presence that we can name after me and Harry will still love you." Jacinta smirks and I chuckle. We start to head back but a noise stops us. It's like groaning... more like moaning? and it's coming from the closet. The towel closet.

This is it  \\part one\\Where stories live. Discover now