The escape artist.

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"Keep running!" Harry yells as I look behind me to see several Zombies chasing us. All that can be heard is the sound of their groaning and my head throbbing from running so much, but I maintain my speed and soon enough we're running into a store which looks safe. But it isn't safe -because no where is- it's just safer than being out here with a load of flesh eating, rotting Zombies.

I run inside and immediately help close the door and keep it locked with chains that looked like they were previously on it. The door is secure. I look around us. We're in a chemist with many doors and exists that need blocking. I secure my bag on my back and look to the others. We know the fight isn't over. We run to each door and window, finding what we can to board them up, using wood, plastic. It takes a while and let's just say Jacintas baseball bat needs cleaning.

I let out a long, shaky breath, looking around and seeing our work is done, but I can still hear the Zombies knocking at the entrances as they growl and groan. It sends shivers down my spine and I suddenly shudder even though it's not cold.

"We need to find a way out." I say hearing the growling getting louder even though it's probably a dull noise for the others. I feel sweat beading down my forehead from the workout earlier. I steady my breathing, knowing I'll need to be ready for more running.

"Okay, see that stair case?" Louis says, pointing to the stair case door, "That leads to the roof of this building."

"What do we do when we're up there? There's no sure way down." Kendall says, and for the minute that I didn't hear her annoying voice I thought she was left behind but all hope has faded. Harry wouldn't let that happen and that gives me a pang of hurt in my heart.

"We can f-find one..?" Louis says, putting his hands on his head and Harry is next to him, whispering something to him. Louis face contorts and he takes a breath like he's listening to Harry's words. Louis eyes snap open. He rushes to the stair case and we follow him without a question.

It's dark. The lights aren't on, the electricity ran out a while ago and we've been living off batteries and torches as a source of light. It's pretty much been like this for a while, so our eyes have adjusted to the lighting change, but it's still hard. We walk and I bump into a figure. It's probably Louis, he won't mind if I hold onto him a little so I don't fall, we all usually hug anyways when it's late, we are really close friends, when Bec passed away we got closer, he was there for me and so was Jacinta and Liam and Niall and I wished Harry was there, but that's changed. Louis wraps his arms around me tightly and I start to question if he knows it's me and not Jacinta. There's a knocking sound. Metal against metal. And something drops as the door opens and I shut my eyes because of the morning sun. We all step out onto the roof.

I open my eyes to everything. Light black spots cover my vision and I blink and wait for them to go away. There's a brisk breeze. I look to Louis. But it isn't Louis that I was holding onto, it was Harry. I try to move away from him but he keeps me in his strong arms for a while and I feel my blood boil.

I push Harry off of me and he looks down, almost as if he's sad. Everything that's happened rushes back to me. The hurt, the fighting, the yelling and I don't try to stop my fist from connecting with his face. I don't notice anything around me but the fact that Harry is holding his cheek and stumbling backwards. My hand is killing me, but I don't show it.

I turn back to the others and they look in shock, except for Jacinta who looks satisfied as she nods my way. Kendall runs up to Harry, pushing past me and helping him stand up properly. Harry rejects her help and keeps his eyes on me, Kendall looses balance and falls yo the ground. Harry's eyes widen and he quickly helps her up.

This is it  \\part one\\Where stories live. Discover now