Chapter 1 Shredder's Student

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Rykardo sits in the training room of the Footclan Base and he sits in a meditating position his mind deep in meditation. All is silent around Rykardo until a Foot Soldier stalks towards him out of the shadows and quietly sneaks up on him his blade ready to strike. Rykardo senses the ninja's presence and he immediately takes out one of his katanas and the mutant and human lock blades. Rykardo struggled to break free until he spots an opening and smirks a little before sweeping his foot at the Foot Soldier's tripping him and knocked him out with one kick to the head.

More Foot Soldiers come running out of the shadows charging at him and Rykardo immediately glares at them his ocean green eyes slitted in alert. A Foot Soldier tries to take a swing at Rykardo until he ducked underneath it and elbowed him on the stomach knocking him down. The rest of the Foot Soldiers charged at Rykardo and one of them cut him on his shoulder making Rykardo grunt in pain before he continued attacking trying to ignore the pain. Rykardo knocked down the last Foot Soldier standing there panting while blood trickled down from the cut on his shoulder.

"Enough!" A low voice ordered.

Rykardo immediately put his katanas away in their sheathes and faced Shredder who approached him and Rykardo kneeled down to his master while the beaten up Foot Soldiers stood up and left the room while Karai entered standing by Shredder's side with her arms crossed and a serious look on her face.

"I expected much more from you Rykardo, but you've brought yourself into humility by allowing even one scratch on you, when an enemy strikes you make them suffer for your blood loss." Shredder said firmly.

"Yes master, I promise to do better next time." Rykardo replied.

"You will do better now, as punishment you'll be sparring against Karai." Shredder replied.

Rykardo felt himself go frozen in fear knowing that he can't beat Karai but he kept his emotions bottled up and nodded to Shredder before both him and Karai faced each other and took out their weapons both the two ninjas in a battle stance.

"Begin." Shredder ordered.

Karai and Rykardo charged at each other both going into a weapon lock. Rykardo struggled to get an opening from Karai until she smirked at him evily and broke free of the weapon locking and cut Rykardo on his shoulder making him grunt in pain and the cut caused by the Foot Soldier was deeper and more blood came out of it. Rykardo growled at Karai before he continued attacking her both their blades hitting each time one blocked the other.

Karai blocked an attack from Rykardo but Rykardo swiftly knocked Karai's weapon out of her hands and he sweeped his foot at Karai's knocking her down and pointed the blade of his katana at her throat anger written on his face as he glared at her darkly angry that she had humiliated him for the past 16 years.

"Enough!" Shredder ordered sternly.

Rykardo immediately listened and he put his katanas away trying to relax himself from being exhausted from training so much. 'Payback for always humiliating me in front of Master Shredder Karai!' Rykardo thought. He approached Shredder and kneeled down to him feeling nervous about what he's about to say.

"You've proved yourself well Rykardo, you rose up above your humility and defeated your enemy." Shredder said a hint of pride in his voice.

"I was only doing what you've ordered me to do master." Rykardo replied.

"And for that your high ranks have doubled, if you continue this you'll reach to becoming my second in command when you're older." Shredder replied. "As for you daughter, you have been humiliating Rykardo for years but enough is enough, I only hope your defeat taught you that you're no better than anyone else." Shredder said glaring over at Karai.

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