Chapter 9

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Song Vibes - Quit Playing Games With My Heart by Backstreet Boys

Stark naked, in the middle of Kennedy High School's cafeteria, with the entire student body laughing at my imperfections, might have actually been a preferable experience to my current situation.

The anxious butterflies in my stomach refused to calm as I took the driver's seat of the Explorer. I couldn't shake the gnawing feeling that I was going to say or do something stupid. Sitting in my parents' car with the best looking three-fifths of a relatively unknown boy band was begging for an Awkward Avery moment of catastrophic proportions. 

Of course, the fresh scent of soap and aftershave swirling through the car wasn't helping my nerves. I worried there might never be a time in my future that I didn't associate this particular smell with standing in front of a towel-clad Cam. Maybe a cold shower of my own would've been a wise choice before getting behind the wheel.

I'd practically begged Aiden to join us before leaving the condo.

"Why are my bandmates so interested in your driving lessons all of a sudden?" he'd asked.

I didn't exactly have an answer to that question either.

When he realized he'd be cramming his long legs in the back seat with Cam and Hunter, he declined. Aiden rarely told me 'no' so I knew better than to beg. Instead, I made one last attempt with his kryptonite - his big brother protective mode.

"I can't believe that you're letting me ride alone in a car with three older guys... hot older guys!" I'd gushed for added effect.

Aiden leveled me with a glare at my word choice. "If it was just Christian and Hunter I'd be canceling the lesson and driving you back home myself. But if Cam's gonna be there, he'll keep the other two in line."

His words hit me like a punch in the gut. It was confirmation that Aiden had enlisted Cam's help in keeping an eye out for me. So that's the real reason why Cam spends so much time with me. 

I sat in the front seat contemplating Aiden's response, instead of running through my precheck driving routine. Christian and Hunter couldn't be trusted? Why not? Was that more about Aiden's opinion of their character or did it have to do with me specifically? Yeah right, Avery, why would any of it have to do with you?

Christian made flirty comments in my direction only because it ran thick in his Italian blood. Flirting came to Christian as naturally as breathing. There wasn't just a six-year age gap between the two of us, but I was pretty sure Christian already had a lifetime of romantic experience under his belt. No pun intended. Even considering him as a potential crush had me shuddering more out of panic than actual interest. He chose that moment to flash me his 'toothpaste ad' smile from the passenger seat. For the first time, rather than being dazzled, I noticed how much his wide grin resembled a crocodile.

That guy should be required to walk around with a sign over his head that flashed "dangerous."

Checking my rear view mirror, I caught sight of Hunter.

Speaking of danger... My heart was in constant peril of falling for Hunter. Suddenly aware of my gaze, he flashed a flirtatious smile. I nervously chewed my lip to keep from breaking into a stupid grin.

Adjusting the mirror so that I could properly see out the back window, this time Cam's face appeared in the reflection. Except, instead of watching me he was glaring at Hunter. Had he seen our interaction?

There was only one reasonable explanation for Cam's reaction. Just as Aiden had alluded to earlier, Cam was taking his role as stand-in big brother very seriously.

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