Chapter 10

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Song Vibes: Crazy for This Girl by Evan and Jaron

Never heard of it? Watch. They are twins. And they are beautiful. 

I'd expected a phone call or maybe even a visit to the house that night from Aiden. I was sure he would want to tell me in person that he didn't want me hanging around the guys anymore.

It was unlike Aiden to not address a problem head-on. Which meant only one of two things. Either he didn't mind Hunter flirting with me. Doubtful. Or Cam didn't tell him. Surprising.

Why wouldn't Cam have ratted us out? That was a huge part of the reason he spent time with me, right? To "keep an eye on me" in Aiden's absence?

As grateful as I was that Aiden wasn't yelling at me and threatening Hunter, it hurt to admit that I almost wished he was. Since our relocation to Florida, I could feel my brother pulling further and further away from our tight-knit family. I missed our conversations and jokes. Sure, he was still coming over for movies and spending the night once a week, but it just wasn't the same Aiden. He seemed preoccupied. I wished I could have the original version of him back. That guy wouldn't have needed Cam to fill in. That version of Aiden would be there in person and would know with just one look that something was off.

Maybe I could convince Aiden to spend the day with me on Sunday, just the two of us. I'm sure Cam wouldn't mind to skip a Sunday. 

Already making plans in my head, I sat down on a picnic bench after school on Friday. I might as well soak up the late Autumn sun while waiting for my dad to pick me up. So deep in thought about Aiden, I nearly missed the unwelcome company that decided to sit down next to me. I say nearly because I couldn't have blocked out the ungodly amount of perfume swirling around my head or the sashay of pompoms in my ears even if I'd tried.

"I know what you're up to Jane," a sharp warning hissed in my ear.

I turned to see the only person who had really cared to acknowledge my existence since starting Kennedy High. Lacey Conrad, the girl that had given me my Plain Jane nickname, sat on the table rather than the bench, undoubtedly using the subtle reminder of where we each stood in the social hierarchy of Kennedy.

And let's be honest, to say she cared was being generous. She noticed me the way Marie Antoinette looked at the poor, starving village people. Her disdain for me was thick in her voice and pouring from her emerald green eyes.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Lacey," I turned to gather my things, hoping to put distance between myself and the red-haired beauty. People watched her every move, so I knew it wouldn't be long before our little interaction drew a crowd.

"Oh I think you do," she spewed. "First, you got the highest grade on the Pre-Calc test, totally screwing the curve. Don't even think that I'm going to let you take top honors in that class. I'm in the hunt for Valedictorian and no one, I mean no one, is going to stand in my way. Got that Janie?"

She thought I was trying to best her? Was she threatened by me? And what sophomore said out loud they were in the hunt for Valedictorian? Please... "Lacey, look, I'm not interested -"

I'm pretty sure she didn't even hear me talking when she spoke right over me. "And second, the counselor, Ms. Stanley, asked if I would show you the ropes to getting involved on campus. Ha! Of course, I assured her I would be the perfect ambassador for Kennedy, but just so we're clear, this is the extent of my welcome wagon."

I swallowed hard, biting my tongue for a controlled response. "If Ms. Stanley asks, I'll assure her you gave me a kind welcome." Were the faculty and staff under some kind of spell? Did they actually buy that Lacey Conrad was a helpful do-gooder?

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