Chapter 16

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Cast photos are updated and they are beautiful! Thank you so much to @beforehours for her amazing talent and spending time on something I couldn't have done!

(here's a little taste in case you aren't tempted to go back to the cast page to see them)

(here's a little taste in case you aren't tempted to go back to the cast page to see them)

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I mean, I just can't even. Chace Crawford. Cam Ryder. Whoever you are. Just yes.

Chapter 16 Song Vibes - Show 'Em (What You're Made Of) - Backstreet Boys

"Final score: Avery - 230, me - 177, and Hunter - 92. Don't quit your day job, pretty boy!" Meg joked, squealing when Hunter started pinging her with Scrabble tiles.

In the span of six hours, I'd seen my quirky, boy-crazy, nervous friend transform back into the smart and confident girl I knew and loved. Believe it or not, it was all because of Hunter.

Earlier that morning, when my mom told me she was driving my grandparents an hour away for doctors appointments and staying the night with my great-aunt, she'd asked me to sleep in the cottage.

Well, what she'd actually said was that it was my responsibility to keep the wood-burning stove going to heat the house. Which meant adding wood after midnight and again by four in the morning. My grandfather may have been content to operate on four hours of sleep each night, but I wasn't so willing to sacrifice my sleep. Besides, I wasn't interested in leaving my cozy bed in the farmhouse to make the cold trek to the cottage in the middle of the night.

Instead, I'd called up Meg and invited her to a sleepover at the cottage. I hadn't bargained on Aiden making plans for the night with his old high school friends, leaving Hunter with nothing to do.

And that's how a three-person sleepover in my grandparents' cottage came about. With terrible Wi-Fi and only 'old people' board games (as Meg liked to call them) our venue wasn't exactly the kind of place you'd find Hunter Shaw on a typical Friday night.

And yet, I couldn't remember a night where three people clicked so well and laughed so hard.

The ice was officially broken when the three of us sat around my grandparents' tiny kitchen table - crying. Hunter's tear-soaked face was a result of chopping an onion for guacamole, which led to Meg and I laughing until we cried. Over dinner, we begged him to spill the dirty secrets he'd learned from living with THE GUYS. Right away I knew I would store away Diego's nighttime headgear and Christian's Real Housewives obsession as ammunition against them later. 

After convincing Hunter that my very Baptist grandparents had no alcohol stashed away in the cabinets, we settled into a game night where Meg and I dominated. We had to teach Hunter traditional card games since the only ones he knew involved taking shots. When it looked like Meg might fall asleep sitting up, we decided to set up our makeshift bedroom in the living room.

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