Chapter 14

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Song Vibes: I Want It That Way by Backstreet Boys

Arguably one of the best boy band songs of all time, even if the lyrics don't make perfect sense 😂 I dare you to listen and not sing along!

Hunter Shaw was a complete and total enigma. He was so hot and cold with me. By cold I meant intolerable. By hot I meant - well, if I'm being completely honest - very, very hot.

Most of the time I wanted to wring his neck. He was arrogant and smug, knowing just how beautiful that face was and what it could get him. He approached girls flippantly, as though it didn't really matter to him if they were interested or not. Which, of course, they always were.

But not me. Not anymore.

Except for that really small percentage of the time when Hunter actually acted like a human being. When he dropped the cocky heartthrob act, he was almost sweet. And those rare moments of taking a peek behind his carefully placed 'cool guy' facade were what did me in. Those were the moments when I knew my crush hadn't completely faded away.

The flight home to Kentucky felt more like a roller coaster: incredible highs chased by inevitable falls. 

Hunter walked through the airport terminal in his leather jacket with his blonde locks perfectly messed, already looking famous. I wanted to roll my eyes but instead found myself becoming just one of his many female fans that morning, our eyes all glued to his every movement.

Before boarding, he shamelessly flirted with the Starbucks barista, convincing her to throw in a free piece of banana bread. He knew it was my favorite and ate every last bite in front of me without sharing. I was ready to write him off like my least favorite flower - lilies. They're pretty to look at, but a royal pain when they start dropping their rust-colored pollen and stinking up the place like a funeral home. If only I could put Hunter and all the lilies in the world in a glass box and just stare at their beauty without having to deal with any of the side effects.

But Hunter wouldn't allow me to think cynical thoughts about him for long. Not even thirty minutes later, pulling a 180 personality switch, Hunter gave up his business class ticket to sit next to me in coach.

Both my mom and Aiden had pleaded with my seatmate to switch seats so I wouldn't have to face my fear of flying alone. Unfortunately, the overweight man next to me wasn't interested in the toddler next to my mom or in Aiden's window seat. "I have to sit in an aisle seat," he'd explained, not quite apologetically.

I just nodded like that made sense. But what did I know? It was my first time on a plane and I was terrified. So I'd sat there, wringing my hands on the sleeves of my sweater. When the man started to explain his overactive bladder, I dug through my carry-on for my phone and earbuds to drown him out.

With Coldplay doing their best to calm my nerves, I almost didn't notice Hunter's tall frame approaching my row. I searched for his trademark smirk but instead found a softer smile than I was used to getting from him. What was that all about? His lips moved, but Chris Martin's voice filled my ears, not giving me any clues to Hunter's presence.

By the time I'd removed my earbuds, Hunter was pointing out his seat about five rows ahead of us to the overweight man. Sliding in next to me, Hunter gave me a once over before commenting, "You don't look so good A.J."

I narrowed my eyes, muttering, "Gee, thanks."

He laughed and offered me a piece of gum, telling me it would help with the ear popping during take-off.

"So how'd you convince that guy to move?" I asked. And why?

He shrugged. "I had a better seat. So when the entire plane heard him explain his overactive bladder, I realized he'd probably rather have my aisle seat right by the bathroom. Then I took one look at him, and I knew he'd jump at the chance to have a wider seat in business class where the armrests wouldn't dig into his sides."

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