Chapter 13

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Song Vibes: Last First Kiss by One Direction

I love this song for this chapter ❤ 

"Are you free tomorrow night?" Cam asked, suddenly sounding a little nervous. "I know we don't usually hang out on Mondays, but I thought maybe we could squeeze in this week's movie night before I fly home on Wednesday morning?" 

I'd managed to maintain small talk the entire drive home from the animal shelter, despite the raging butterfly party going on inside me. But Cam had kept the conversation light. No explanation for the kiss and no insight into what I should expect from here on out.

Did he want to date me? Would we be kissing all the time now?

Shivers ran down my spine when I remembered the way his lips had felt against mine. It had taken everything in me to keep my eyes focused out my passenger window and away from watching Cam's mouth while he talked. But now he was suggesting a movie night? Like a date? No. We did movie night every week...with my brother. He would have said date if he'd meant that.

My silence had clearly confused Cam. He'd pulled into my condo complex, parked, and pulled the key out of the ignition and I still had yet to mumble a single coherent thought. I felt every bit of my inexperienced sixteen years. Just speak, Avery!

"Oh, you're flying back on Wednesday morning? Us too. I can't wait to see my grandparents. And I love Thanksgiving. What's your favorite food? My grandma makes these incredible noodles and gravy. I know that's not typically a Thanksgiving food, but it's my favorite dish," I nervously rambled.

"Yeah, I guess I'm more of a sweet potato casserole kind of guy," he chuckled before trying again. "So, maybe we could talk tomorrow night? Before we watch a movie with Aiden?"

That's what I wanted - clarity on that kiss. I needed answers from Cam about why he'd kissed me out of nowhere. But what if he confirmed my worst fears? That he'd only kissed me for Lacey's benefit? Or maybe that he'd just gotten caught up in the moment?

Or maybe he wants to tell you that he kissed you because he has feelings for you! Had it meant more? Does he want more? Whoa, Avery, chill.

Something caught my eye and my response to his question flew right out the window, my filter leaving with it.

"Wow... that couple is going at it! Yikes, and right outside of my mom's kitchen window!" Great Avery. You're ignoring his invitation and being a peeping perv.

"Apparently it's a PDA kind of day," Cam observed.

I bit my lip, both at Cam's reference of our kiss and at the scene before me. No, I thought to myself, what we did would be considered PDA. What those two were doing would probably require a PG-13 label. Embarrassed, I averted my eyes.

"Unbelievable," Cam muttered.

I glanced up in confusion, and that's when I saw. The girl had been straddling her makeout partner in the passenger seat of the old clunker, her long hair hiding his face. Now we could both easily identify the undeniably handsome side profile. 


"Is that his girlfriend?"

Cam snorted. "Girlfriend? Hunter? Yeah right!"

"So that's a no then?"

"It's definitely a no. I guess you wouldn't have really noticed since you're not around him that much. Let's just say I haven't seen him with the same girl twice since we got here."

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