Chapter 11

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Song Vibes: One Thing by One Direction

Also, it makes me want to visit London again!

At the breakfast table Sunday morning, Aiden was oblivious to my attempts to read his mind and observe his body language. From what I could tell, he had no idea that Christian had kissed me two days ago.

I'd assumed as much when he and Cam arrived at our condo the night before and Aiden had greeted me with a bear hug and a story about the solo he'd been given. Sticking by Aiden's side, Cam didn't give me the chance to ask him why he hadn't told Aiden yet.

When my mom entered the kitchen and Aiden relaunched into his story about the solo, Cam and I made eye contact for the first time. I wasn't sure what all he was trying to convey with that look, but it did reassure me that my secret was safe.

But I still needed to talk to Aiden. Which was why I'd planned an afternoon outing for the two of us to reconnect. Lacey had been telling the truth about my spot at the Humane Society, which was confirmed by an email from Ms. Stanley telling me to report for my shift at 1:00 pm on Sunday.

Aiden shared my love for animals, and since we'd left all of our pets back at the farm, I knew he would appreciate a quick animal fix too. At least, that's what I'd thought.

"What do you mean you can't? It's Sunday, you don't have to be anywhere." I glared across the table at Aiden.

I knew my voice sounded very close to pouting. It was the best I could do. The alternative would have been anger at Aiden for just being lazy.

Lowering his voice and glancing behind me to make sure Mom and Dad weren't listening, he turned back to give me his full attention.

"Aves, next time, OK? There's just something I have to do today," Aiden pleaded with me.

It was the strained look on his face that kept me from pushing him further. I still suspected that he was going back to the condo to nap, but I would give him the benefit of the doubt.


"Maybe Cam wants to go?" Aiden suggested, meeting his friend's eyes when he entered the room and sat in between the two of us.

"Oooh, tell me we're talking about that human body exhibit with the skeletons. I've been dying to see that." Cam served himself a stack of my mom's blueberry pancakes while glancing back and forth between the two of us.

I couldn't help but laugh. Cam always diffused the tension in a room with his good-hearted humor and smiles. Part of me wished I could tell him that, yes, I had tickets to the disgusting anatomy exhibit. Instead, I had to hope that he would be equally excited by the anatomy of the canine and feline variety.

"Close," I teased. "How would you like to join me on a very exclusive, interactive tour of the local animal shelter?"

"Interactive... as in... giving the dogs baths?" Cam's eyebrow quirked upward with his question.

"Yup, pretty much," I grimaced. There wasn't any use in denying how lame my invitation was. I prepared myself for what I was sure would be a very polite decline.

"Sounds good! After church? I'll just need to run home and get some old clothes before we go."

I looked up in surprise to see both Aiden and Cam smiling at me. Aiden looked relieved to be off the hook and proud that he found a solution where I wouldn't be let down. Cam's smile was back to the one I was used to getting from him.

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