Weeknight Chill Shit

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"KI!," Luke raised his voice, both to voice his frustration at me not hearing him (or so he thought) and to catch my attention so I would. His large hand ruffled my hair softly,  "I know you hear me girl..."

I lay between his legs, my head resting in his lap as I continued watching the latest episode of Insecure. I knew he was trying to get my attention to get me to change the channel.

Hate to break it to ya Mr. Kuechly, but it's not happening.

I kept my eyes locked on the screen, "absentmindedly" stroking his thigh. Any other time we bum it on the couch, he ends up picking out what we watch, but tonight I was in control. I knew he was growing more annoyed by the second but he was going to just have to ride with me on this one. Besides, I needed to catch up on the new season.

"So this is what we're doing now?" He asked dryly, catching on to the fact I was purposely ignoring him. I chuckled inwardly.

I shifted to look up at him, letting a look of confusion cross my face.

"Did you say something babe?", I asked, as if I hadn't heard a word he'd said.

He looked down at me with the stone face (See the picture in the MM 😂) and I bust out laughing.

"It's almost over baby, I promise," I said sitting up to lean toward him. "Can't you last a couple more minutes?" I asked him, pouting.

He licked his lips slowly and moved closer, our faces inches apart.

"You know exactly how long I can last Kia..." he growled, a cocky smile on his lips.

I laughed loudly, placing a quick peck to his lips, "Yeah yup sure do!"

I hopped up off the couch to head to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. "You want anything?" I turned around to ask him, catching his eyes on my butt as I walked away. "My eyes are up here sir...," I joked, pointing to my face.

Luke chuckled, "Yeah, can you get me some water babe? Unless there's something else you want to give me..." he said, sticking his tongue out and winking at me.

I spun around waving him and his sexual suggestions off. I grabbed 2 waters out of the fridge, and stopped to grab a banana from the fruit bowl on our kitchen island. As I headed back into the living room, I no longer heard the sound of Issa's voice coming from the TV. Knowing the man I've spent the last year and a half of my life with so well, I already knew his slick self turned the channel as soon as I was out of his sight.

I re-entered the room, seeing Luke beaming at the newest episode of Game of Thrones.

"Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh..." Luke "sang" the theme song LOUDLY, and I shook my head at how horrible he sounded.

I walked up behind him, gently popping him in the back of the head. He looked at me with a shocked expression, playfully rubbing his head in pain.

"Why you beating on me Ki?! I thought you loved me..." he pouted.

"Oh I love you very much but that singing...not so much. Stick to football Boy Wonder...," I joked, calling him his old college nickname. "And who told you to change the channel?"

I rounded the couch and sat next to him. As I leaned up off the couch to place my banana on the table in front of us, I was startled by the loud SMACKKK, followed shortly by the stinging feeling of Luke smacking my ass. My hands flew to my tingling butt, my mouth gaping open in shock at the sting. Luke always did this when he knew I'd least expect it, as he always said it was the price I had to pay for having a big butt.

He shrugged at me, smiling. "That's for criticizing my singing. And for wearing those little ass shorts around me," he joked.

I laughed as I rubbed my still stinging buttcheek. "Well stop sounding so bad and I won't. And as far as my shorts, you've never complained about them before..." I said, raising an eyebrow at him. I had him on that one.

"You're right," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into his lap, "I definitely never complain about these. In fact, you should wear them everyday..." he hinted, kissing my neck sexily as he massaged the part of my booty that peeked out from bottom of my sleep set.

My hands tangled in his hair, taking in the scent of his dark curls as he continued to nip at my neck.

"I thought we were watching tv babe," I reminded him, as his attention clearly left Jon Snow and Daenarys.

He kissed me slowly, his hands still cupping my butt. "That shit can wait," he whispered, deepening the kiss.

Luke shifted on the couch so that I could comfortably straddle him, and bear hugged me as I played with his curls at the base of his neck. Our lips crashed against each other, the faint smell of his aftershave filling my nose. Luke broke away and reattached his lips to my neck, and spotting the remote behind his head on the couch, I connivingly hatched a plan.

Not only was I going to get him back for smacking my ass, I was going to make sure we closed this night finishing my episode of Insecure.

'Mmhmm Kuechly, I got something for you, smacking me AND changing the channel? Humph...' I thought, taking Luke's face in my hands, and kissing him like it was the last time my lips would ever touch his.

I broke away from giving him the sexiest kiss I could muster. His eyes were still shut, a soft blush crossing his cheeks.

"You can't do all that then just stop babe," he whispered breathlessly.

I smiled, knowing I had him right where I wanted him.

"Well what if I stopped because I wanted to do something else..." I said suggestively, my hands finding the base of his t-shirt. Tugging at it, I whispered, "...take this off...."

Luke's eyes fluttered open softly as he leaned in and kissed me slowly, his eyes meeting mine as we kissed.

"Yes ma'am." he whispered.

No better way to distract a man than to have him thinking he was about to get some.

Just as he slipped the shirt over his head, I grabbed the remote and hopped off of the couch. Jetting toward the opposite side of the room, I hit the back button on the remote and turned back to Insecure. I chuckled loudly, as Luke glared at me shirtless, horny, and confused.

"Bet you won't turn the channel again 59...and learn to keep your hands to yourself!" I said, mocking his muscle flex celebration that he does each time he gets a big stop on the field.

Luke nodded his head, slowly catching on to what happened. He laughed heartily, and I dabbed and then hit the folks knowing I got him.

"Well played Ki, well played," he said, sitting up, "but you're forgetting one thing," he said, running a hand through his hair.

"You're forgetting one thing..." I mocked him goofily. "Yeah, what's that?" I asked in anticipation.

"Boy Wonder ran the 40 in 4.5 seconds at the combine..." he said, trailing off as he sprang off of the couch toward my direction.

I took flight, squealing as he chased me across the room like a lion chasing a gazelle.

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