Trust Issues, pt. 4

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There we stood, staring at each other awkwardly as if we'd never seen each other before. As if our life stories had not intertwined the same way our bodies had on countless occasions. As if we didn't know each other back and front. As if I wasn't his, and he wasn't mine.

I scanned him from top to bottom, taking in his features. As handsome as he is, Luke looked just as bad as I did.

His dark hair was more unruly than normal, grown out and pointing in every direction. I usually loved when his hair was grown out, but I low key wanted to tug on it and tell him he needed a haircut. Bad.

His normally bright eyes were restless and tired, the dark bags under them expressive of his exhaustion. His typically smooth skin was littered with scruff, showing he clearly hadn't shaved in days.

He nervously shoved his hands in his hoop shorts, and I sensed he was about to speak. I looked down at the floor, dreading the discussion I knew we were about to have.

"Hey," he spoke softly, obviously not sure what he should say.


I bit my lip in nervousness. Why I was nervous, I couldn't tell you.

"You're home..." he stated. I could hear anticipation dripping from his voice.

I locked eyes with him, torn between wanting to stare at him forever and wanting to knock his fine ass out. 'You're not "home" Saud,' I reminded myself. 'Remember what you're here for, remember what he did...'

"Yeah, well I only came to get more of my things," I stated, surprising myself at how coldly the words had left my mouth.

Looking back up at him, his soft smile dropped. It was as if he too hadn't expected how cold I'd sounded.

" you're not coming ho-"

I cut him off before he could even finish, as the hurt in his voice made my heart break.

"I'm just grabbing a few things then I'll be on my way," I said.

I pivoted to move past him to go toward our walk-in closet. As I tried to pass him, his large hand wrapped firmly around my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.

"Saud, wait. Don't you think we should talk?" He said, pulling me back to face him.

I stared the ground, not wanting to look into his eyes. I had to stand firm in my feelings and looking in his eyes would only break me down.

"No Luke, I don't. There's nothing to talk abou-"

He cut me off, placing his hand softly under my chin and gently lifting my head so that we made eye contact. I shook out of his touch, trying to avoid that altogether.

"Luke...." I whispered, feeling myself beginning to break.

"Saud, stop! Talk to me please? Let me explain myself already-"

I lost it.

"Explain what?" I yelled. "Explain the fact that you didn't come home?! Explain the fact that you spent the night with your ex?! Explain the fact that you fucked that girl and then walked in this house like it was nothing?! If the roles were reversed, you would've fucking LOST it Luke and you know it!" I was screaming at this point, pointing in face like a mother reprimanding her child. "So I don't want to hear shit else you have to say. You made your choice so it's over! Now move so I can get my shit," I growled, pushing him out of the way in the process.

He sighed deeply and his face started to turn red, which always happened when he was starting to lose his patience.

"You're acting as if you WANT me to tell you I cheated on you," he mumbled.

Luke Kuechly Imagines (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now