Chapter 1

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It passed 2 years since Orochimaru put the curse on Sasuke. He could control Sasuke even more now as his thirst for vengeance and killing grew. Sasuke was lost... He became a coldhearted killing machine who would do whatever it takes to feed his hatred. He joined Akatsuki 2 years ago and since then he is nothing but a powerful ninja, who has no mercy.

Orochimaru :"Time has come my fellow comrades. Uzumaki Naruto has left Konoha today for a mission in the Sand village. Tonight at 2AM the council will gather to find a way to stop us. They won't stop until they eliminate each one of us. Deidara is dead, Konan is dead, Nagato is dead, Pein is dead, Sasori is dead. They have killed important pillars from our organization. Tonight we will teach them a lesson. I will need you to go and kill every member of that council and then burn the place down. Nobody will know what happened. "

Kisame: "Sir, in that council are very powerful men, including the head of Hyuuga Clan, Hiashi Hyuuga. "
Orochimaru: "I know Kisame, he is the main reason to kill all of them. He created this council and made us harder to continue our work. I want ALL of you to be sure that no one survives tonight. Sasuke, you will lead the mission."
Sasuke: "Understood."

** Meanwhile**

Hinata: "F-Father?"
Hiashi: "Yes?"
Hinata: "Tomorrow is Hanabi's birthday. D-do you have to attend the council tonight?"
Hiashi: "Hinata, this night is very important tot the council. I have finally find a way to stop those murderers and dissolve their organisation. I can't miss this meeting." 
Hinata: "O-okay then." 
Hiashi: "Tomorrow the three of us will go and visit the Ikigai temple, together", he said smiling.
Hiashi: "Hanabi will be so happy!" 

** Later **

Hanabi: "Ohayo sister! Where is dad?"
Hinata: "Ohayo! He is preparing for the meeting tonight.."
Hanabi: "What?! But I thought we will go and have dinner tonight together! For my birthday! This is not fair."
Hinata: "W-We can go together Hanabi-chan."
Hanabi: *hmph* "No. I will stay in my room."
Hinata: "Um...I'm sorry. This meeting is very important for dad. He really wished he could be here tonight but he can't".
Hanabi: "Of course." * goes upstairs in her room locking the door*. "Of course he has another important things to do instead of spending time with his family...he was always like that." 

** 2:00AM **

As planned Akatsuki attacked the council. Sasuke was leading the mission. He had no mercy at all. No one did.
Hiashi Hyuuga managed to escape the attack, but because of the wounds he couldn't get far away the building because they were waiting for him outside. He fell on the ground.

Hiashi:*heavy breathing* "So... you felt threatened... that's why you attacked us... in the middle of the night...when everybody is sleeping... how brave."
Akatsuki Member: "Shut up Hyuuga! You killed enough of our men. Now it's time for you to pay." 
Hiashi: * gets on his foots* "You are nothing but murderers. Nobody will ever accept or love you. You are worse than anything on this planet. You deserve to perish- GAH!"

Hiashi felt a lightning blade pass through his heart and blood was coming out of his mouth.

Sasuke: "Talking too much."
Sasuke stabbed Hiashi from behind and watched him falling on the ground dead.
Akatsuki member: "Ok, we should leave." 
Sasuke: "You are dismissed." 

Then, all of them vanished. All except Sasuke, who stand still near the corpse of Hisashi Hyuuga. He couldn't help but remembering few fragments with him talking to his father when Sasuke was small. He also remembered that he had two daughters. But exactly in that moment he heard something behind him. When he turned around he saw a small little girl petrified, with her pearl white eyes full in tears.
Hanabi: "F...Father... N-No...It can't be..."

Sasuke was is shock that she was there, that she saw everything with her own eyes just like he did when he was her age. The pain to see your family dead in front of you is unbearable.
He made a step towards her but she made a step back.

Hanabi: "N-NO!", she growled bursting in tears, "NANDE!! Why you did this!!??"
Sasuke: "Wait... AH!!", falls on his knees holding his neck, "Shit.. not", he grabbed his neck from behind. 

His skin was getting darker and darker as his cursed mark was spreading all over him. His vision turned red. Run...! he said with his last human voice. Orochimaru was taking over. He lost his human side. Now he is just a demon.
Before she could run, he grabbed her small body and lifted her up.

Hinata: "HANABI!!!"

Another voice was heard. Hinata ran as fast as she could to save her little sister. But it was too late. When Hinata arrived, all she could see was a monster with big wings disappearing in the darkness, a burning place and two bodies lying on the ground. 

Hinata kneed next to them.
Hinata: "N-No... this is not real..." Her eyes were open in shock and tears were starting to fall as she realised who the dead bodies were.

Hinata: "NOO!!!!" she yelled with agony watching the dark sky and hugging both of then
She then fainted on the ground next to her dead family.


Author's note:

This is the first chapter of my new SasuHina fanfic. I know this is a tragic chapter and Hinata's life is going to be different from now on . Hinata will also be different.... but what about Sasuke Uchiha? He did something unforgivable. How will things go on from this horrible day? How Hinata fill cope with all the pain ?
How will Sasuke Uchiha feel after what he did? Find out in the next chapter!

If you like the story so far, leave a comment below and tell me your opinion!
Sorry for my bad English. It's not my language.

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